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The Maritime Advocate–Issue 842

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Editor: Sandra Speares | Email: contactus@themaritimeadvocate.com

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1.  On the dark side
2.  Contempt of court
3.  Bulk carrier practice
4.  Management mistakes
5.  ETS guide
6.  Maritime law for masters
7.  Seafarers’ happiness
8.  Net zero goals
9.  Marpol anniversary
10. Good neighbours

Readers’ responses to our articles are very welcome and, where suitable, will be reproduced. Write to: contactus@themaritimeadvocate.com

1. On the dark side

By Michael Grey

There probably will not be that many people around who can recall the summer of 1984, when there was an important conference in Geneva to consider the problems of flags of convenience, or open registers, as we are now enjoined to call them. The meeting, held in the lofty halls of the Palais de Nations, was, among other things, an attempt to properly clarify whether there should be a “genuine link” between a ship and the place of registry painted on its stern.

I have fond memories of the event, as I was reporting for a somewhat lean organisation at the time and living in a tent on the shores of the lake, (albeit in a fairly luxurious campsite), from where, to the amazement of fellow campers, I would set off in my suit to the railway station each morning. The event itself, held over nearly three weeks, could not, from the standpoint of those wishing to circumscribe FOC operations, be counted a success. Ferocious efforts by the industry, which wished to maintain at least the freedom to register their ships anywhere on earth (possibly even the moon), ensured that it was no more than a tidying up operation, despite the amazing oratory and vast numbers of papers.

I was reminded of this somewhat intense exposure to the arguments around FOCs reading the Nautilus Telegraph, which pointed out that the issue had been debated at this year’s TUC Congress. It also reminded us that it was the 75th anniversary of the first FOC campaign by the International Transport Workers’ Federation., which really was before my time.

It might be suggested that the problems of bad behaviour by dodgy flags registering unsafe ships and exploited seafarers have been mitigated by a range of associated, but not necessarily direct constraints over the years. Port state control brought in a major oversight of ship safety and condition, while everything from ITF inspectors in ports to the public rating of flag state performance by the US, Europe and the various MOUs has been an incentive for good performance and the opposite for those operating marginal tonnage. The International Chamber of Shipping’s annual survey of flag state performance is scrutinised by charterers and owners alike. So far so good.

You can argue that open registers, some of which work hard to maintain the quality of the ships on their books are often better custodians of safety and standards than many other flags. Where this argument falls down, however, is in conditions where law and order break down and their inability to enforce anything very much becomes obvious. After all, why should navies, paid for by taxpayers, be employed to protect navigational freedoms for those owners who feel no obligation to pay taxes?

And while the status quo on FOCs seemed to be motoring on over the decades, the recent global instabilities, along with the emergence of the huge fleet of “dark” tankers carrying sanctioned oil out of Russia, has thrown ship registration into sharp focus. In particular, it has reminded us of the cavalier fashion in which these ships are changing owners and flags at the drop of a hat, without any pretence of inspections or surveillance by emergent states, most of which have not the slightest experience or competence in the requirements of a ship register, operating very large ships, carrying enormous quantities of pollutants.

These ships, of mystery ownership, appear as a law unto themselves, operating with insurance that is non-existent or of doubtful pedigree; the ships in the autumn of their lives (to put it politely). They carry out ship-to-ship oil transfers without proper supervision by coastal states, and other risky activities. Just last week, two large tankers were arrested for carrying out an unauthorised STS operation in Malaysian waters and when apprehended, refusing to let the authorities of the coastal state on board  requiring military intervention.

There has been an increase in casualties, and if one considers the reputational damage being done to a tanker sector that has long been a top performer in international safety and standards, there must be widespread concern for the image of the shipping industry in general. A major accident involving one of this dark fleet and all the accusations about the “wild west” of transport and the allegedly lawless world of international shipping will be given front page publicity.

Should you have 300,000dwt tankers registered in states which could just about summon the expertise to register a paragraph coaster?  The fact that this is now so widespread, with the scandal of this huge dark fleet, perhaps ought to be telling us that the liberal interpretation of a genuine link between ship and flag really needs a 21st century update. Sadly, my tent has been sold.

Michael Grey is former editor of Lloyd’s List

2. Contempt  of court

The  Court of Appeal has raised the bar for contempt of court. In a recent edition of HFW’s London Calling, Brian Perrott and Lee Forsyth looked at contempt of court proceedings.

The appellants sought to commit two police officers for contempt of court on the grounds that they knowingly or recklessly misled the Crown Court when applying for search warrants. The appellants relied on the case of Berry Piling Systems Ltd in which Akenhead J considered, in the context of a statement subject to a statement of truth, that the wording of CPR part 32.14 in relation to the consequences of false statements would cover both a statement made by a person who knew it to be untrue and a person who was reckless as to whether the statement was true or not.

The Court of Appeal considered that “The purpose of contempt proceedings is not to punish incompetence or errors of judgment” although acknowledged the comments made by the Judge in the lower court that there could be a case where an omission is so glaring as to raise an irresistible inference of intent to mislead the court.
However, the practical starting point when considering permission to bring proceedings for contempt in the public interest is whether there is a strong case (capable of being proved to the criminal standard) that the relevant individual made a statement to the court knowing it to be untrue and knowing that it would be relied upon by the court. The court stated that “It is not sufficient to say that the contemnor did not care whether what he said was true or not. It must first be proved to the requisite standard that he knew that he did not know whether what he said was true or not.”
In light of the above, the court determined that there was no strong case of contempt against the police officers.

This case should give some comfort to individuals providing evidence to the court as contempt of court proceedings will generally not be brought unless an individual knows a statement to be untrue and that it would be relied on by the court. However, witnesses should still be vigilant and ensure that the facts that they present to the court are true.

Norman (et al) v Adler (et al) [2023] EWCA Civ 785

3. Bulk carrier practice

The Nautical Institute has published a fully revised edition of its reference work Bulk Carrier Practice.

Bulk Carrier Practice provides comprehensive, practical guidance on every aspect of bulk carrier operations. It takes the reader through a typical voyage – from paperwork, hold preparation and loading to cargo care on the voyage and discharging – illustrated with more than 300 photographs. There is extensive coverage of the carriage and monitoring of both standard and unusual cargoes.

The book describes the various vessel types, detailing their construction, maintenance, equipment and safety considerations, paying particular attention to hatch covers, stability and trim. Chapters incorporate useful checklists and sources of further information. Examples of cargo documents and ships’ certificates are reproduced in the book’s extensive appendices.

The new publication is organised in the same logical way as the second edition, but the text has been significantly updated to take into account the many changes in the sector since 2010. New material includes important guidance on the dangers of liquefaction and dynamic separation. The sections on bulker casualties and charterparties have been completely updated and new case studies have been added. The layout has been improved and many of the diagrams have been redrawn.

Bulk Carrier Practice is a reference book for masters, shipowners, ship operators, charterers, marine consultants and surveyors and a companion for mariners preparing for their exams.

The revising author for the Third Edition, Captain Hemant Gupta, pointed out:“Well-maintained vessels with competent crew help in reducing the number of accidents and claims and therefore, contribute to increasing the reputation of the shipowner and ship managers.”

Until 10 November 2023, the NI is offering a special promotional discount of 40% on the full retail price; please quote code Bulk40. More information can be found at https://www.nautinst.org/shop-listing.html

4. Management Mistakes

International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC)   has advised ship managers to be wary of the risks and costs involved with claims of failing to meet contractual obligations.

The warning came as part of ITIC’s October 2023 Claims Review that cited a case of a ship manager managing two vessels for the same owner and allegedly failing to meet the required standards expected according to the signed BIMCO Shipman contracts. You can access ITIC’s October 2023 Claims Review here.

For the first vessel, the owners alleged that the managers mismanaged their ships by failing to identify deficiencies, arrange and supervise maintenance and repairs, implement the onboard ISM and PMC systems, and communicate appropriately with the crew.

The owners further alleged that the managers failed to provide them with sufficient information in respect of ‘extraordinary’ expenditure to allow owners to make an informed decision on whether to approve incurring the cost.

For the second vessel, the owners made various allegations, including failure to plan a crew change and dismiss the crew for misconduct, which allegedly meant the crew were not suitably qualified, and failure to maintain the ship adequately.

Owners presented their claims under various heads of damages, including cost of repairs, loss of hire, cost of bunkers, and port and agency costs. The total claim was for US$ 9.5m. BIMCO Shipman contracts limited liability to US$ 1.5m for each ship.

The ship managers accepted that there had been some mismanagement on their part. Therefore, there was a significant litigation risk. Furthermore, costs incurred in fighting the claims would be substantial – in the hundreds of thousands, if not more. This also meant a lot of management time would be used to defend the claims. As a result, with ITIC’s assistance, the managers met with the owner for settlement talks.

Following several rounds of settlement talks, both ships were eventually settled at US$ 700,000 each (US$ 1.4m total), with ITIC paying this claim less the deductibles.
“It is of utmost importance that ship managers ensure they adhere to contractual obligations at all times and that maintenance works are kept up to date. Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance is part of our member’s risk management strategy, and it gives the ship manager peace of mind and protects them against claims such as this one.

The benefit of having cover from a company such as ITIC is that you have an insurer who understands the business and risks ship managers face and speaks the ship manager’s language,” said Mark Brattman, Claims Director at ITIC.

5. ETS guide

In a viewpoint piece Jacob Clausen, performance director, at NAVTOR, simplifies the complexities of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) with a high-level look at the regulatory horizon, allied to a clear lowdown on how shipowners and operators can mitigate risks, manage costs and comply, comply, comply.
According to Clausen, “the EU ETS for shipping landed with a colossal splash on 16 May this year, when it was officially adopted and finalized. But it won’t be until 1 January 2024 that the industry feels the true ripple effects.
So, is it time for owners and operators to batten down the hatches, or will adequate foresight and planning ensure these ripples don’t turn into tsunamis?
“Although the introduction of regulations that potentially incur significant costs may not be universally applauded by the industry, it really does pay to see the bigger picture here.

“The most important factor, naturally, is that we need to take action to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change. In this respect, any tool that incentivises businesses to do so is a step in the right direction,” Clausen says.

“However, we shouldn’t lose sight of the commercial opportunity here too.With careful monitoring, management and informed decision-making compliance can come with a benefit rather than at a cost – paving the way for reduced fuel expenditure, more efficient energy use, and a strong business, rather than purely environmental, case to transition to more sustainable practices.
“Time will tell how effective the EU ETS proves to be. But with the right, informed strategy in place, it needn’t be something to be feared, but rather welcomed… by shipping industry stakeholders, as well as the rest of society.”

For the full story see: https://www.navtor.com

6. Maritime law for masters

When something goes wrong on board, legal issues often arise, and it is the master’s responsibility to react appropriately. A Master is not a lawyer, but needs to understand how to respond within the confines of the law to protect the interests of themselves, the shipowner and other crew members.

The International Chamber of Shipping and the International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations have put together a guide which bridges the gap between theory and practice by exploring practical real-world scenarios commonly encountered by masters, whether in port or at sea. It offers  guidance on how to approach legal issues effectively, highlighting best practices, and providing expert advice on managing legal risks with particular emphasis on the commercial aspects that form a significant part of every Master’s responsibilities on board.

The Master’s Practical Guide to Maritime Law aims to be:

•    A detailed, practical guide relevant to real-life situations.
•    Designed to help masters protect themselves within the legal framework.
•    Equally suited to seasoned masters seeking to refresh their knowledge and masters embarking on their first voyage.
•    An easily accessible resource helping masters navigate common legal issues and pitfalls and assist in protecting the shipowner’s interest.

A guide covering both criminal and commercial law.

This first edition is priced at £250 and is available in print and e-book formats. Find out more and order from ICS Publications.

7.  Seafarers’ happiness

Further concern over seafarer welfare has been raised by the results of the latest Seafarers Happiness Index, published recently, which reveals a further drop in seafarer happiness. This report covers Q3 2023 and is the third successive report to show such decline, sparking fears over the impact on all those working at sea.
The Seafarers Happiness Index is a quarterly survey conducted by The Mission to Seafarers and made possible by the sponsorship of NorthStandard and Idwal, as well as the support of Inmarsat. It measures the wellbeing of seafarers through ten key questions about their work and life, designed to gauge sentiment about their experiences on board.
The Q3 report shows an overall fall in seafarer happiness to just 6.6 out of 10. This compares to 6.77 in Q2 2023 and 7.1 in Q1 2023.
The results showed a decline in most areas covered by the survey, including wages, workload and onboard connectivity, which saw the most significant fall in happiness levels. The only areas to buck the trend of a decline in happiness for this quarter were shore leave, training and food, where the report showed marginal improvements.
This latest Seafarers Happiness Index report brings together seafarer perspectives to highlight the major factors impacting happiness. Key recommendations centre on facilitating shore leave and engaging with ports globally, addressing remuneration concerns, promoting diversity and inclusion, managing workloads, and leveraging technology to enhance work-life balance.
Concerns emerged around salary inadequacy in this quarter’s feedback, especially for senior roles. The survey also heard reports of how catering budget constraints can force nutritional compromises, underscoring the need for well-provisioned ships and skilled catering crews. Maintaining onboard gyms and exercise equipment was also seen as an issue.
Connectivity and communications represented a double-edged sword in this quarter’s feedback, enabling contact with loved ones, but potentially facilitating micromanagement from ashore. To address this, there were calls for guidelines to promote a healthy work-life balance through technology.
The issue of overwhelming workloads again came to the fore. This was felt to be driven by expanding regulations and administrative tasks. There appears to be a growing sense of unmanageable responsibilities among seafarers, which is causing a huge amount of stress.
The report highlighted how prejudices and misunderstandings can impede social cohesion on board. There are cultural issues at play and pressures from home that are not always fully explored, including some troubling insights into gender disparities and barriers to diversity and inclusion. This included reports of a lack of acceptance, discomfort and exclusion for female seafarers. To address these issues, the report says it is essential that more is done to foster open communication and overcome biases.
The report is not without some positive feedback on life at sea. From a more encouraging perspective, respondents spoke of the benefits that a seafaring life can offer, including a steady income and adventure, whilst recognising that it also demands substantial sacrifice.
Andrew Wright, Secretary General of The Mission to Seafarers, said:“It is deeply concerning to see seafarer happiness fall again during the third quarter of 2023. This extended downturn across all three quarters of 2023 so far paints a worrying picture. It seems clear that happiness levels will not recover to acceptable levels unless we can address the systemic challenges that continue to undermine the welfare of our seafarers, such as limited shore leave, unsustainable workloads, insufficient connectivity, and stagnant wages.
“This latest report also offers a number of important recommendations to address these issues.  If we can work together in common cause as an industry, we can reverse these recent declines in seafarer wellbeing and turn the tide towards not just improved welfare at sea, but ensuring that seafaring is a decent and fulfilling profession for all.”
Idwal Senior Marine Surveyor and Crew Welfare Advocate, Thom Herbert said: “The concerning continued downward trend in seafarer happiness revealed in this report mirrors issues we see during our vessel inspections. While connectivity enables constant family contact, it also risks facilitating micromanagement from ashore, persistent barriers to shore leave undermine its importance as a respite, and nutritional compromises on board highlight the basic need for well-provisioned ships and skilled catering crews. It is also deeply troubling to hear about the issues around gender issues and disparities. As ever, we believe targeted efforts to improve policies and practices in all these areas would go a long way to restoring optimism amongst crew and enhancing retention.”
Yves Vandenborn, Head of Loss Prevention Asia-Pacific at NorthStandard added:“At 6.6/10, Quarter 3 of 2023 marks yet another dip in the overall happiness levels of seafarers at sea. This represents the longest sustained decline since the Seafarers Happiness Index was founded. Some areas reflect marginal improvements while others show persistent declines. It is worrying that overall happiness remains hampered by persistent challenges in workloads, connectivity, and ability to keep fit and healthy on board. NorthStandard will continue to raise awareness on the seafarer condition and will work on collaborating with industry leaders in charting a course towards an improved working environment for seafarers worldwide.”
The Mission to Seafarers is working with industry partners to address the many issues that continue to affect the wellbeing of seafarers, as well as providing direct support for seafarers through its global network of seafarers’ centres and ship visits, chaplains, staff and volunteers, and its digital solutions, such as its ‘Happy at Sea’ app for seafarers.
To read the full Seafarers Happiness Index report for Q3 2023, click here.

8. Net zero goals

In a time of unprecedented environmental and economic challenges, a white paper has been unveiled by    PortXchange.The white paper serves as a roadmap for immediate maritime action and presents hard evidence that Just-In-Time (JIT) Port Arrivals is an environmental and economical solution that must not be ignored if net zero emissions goals in the maritime industry are to be reached by 2050.

The field trials conducted by PortXchange prove that JIT Port Arrivals could reduce global container shipping emissions by at least 5%, translating to approximately 17 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. The empirical data shows that this is an achievable and affordable operational reality through PortXchange’s Synchronizer technology, which helps carriers optimize their speed during the voyage based on real-time berth availability. This is not just a theoretical proposal; it’s a factual, empirical contribution to the industry’s decarbonization efforts.

The paper identifies ports where JIT Port Arrivals could stand to have the biggest gains. These include Buenos Aires, Moin, Valencia, and Tanger Med. Here it was shown that vessels operated by major carriers like Maersk and MSC had significant untapped potential for JIT Port Arrival benefits.

Case studies, such as the example of a vessel travelling from Genoa to Valencia, are highlighted in the white paper and underscore the immediacy of these benefits. Had the JIT Port Arrival recommendations been heeded, the ship owners could have saved approximately 15.85 tonnes of fuel, avoiding unnecessary emissions equivalent to 50.11 tonnes of CO2.

Abhishek Nair, Business Development Director of PortXchange, states, “Our white paper is a call for collective action, extending an invitation to governments and regulatory bodies to recognize and leverage JIT technologies to fast-track global environmental goals.” He went on to add, “There is no excuse. The technology to achieve dramatic CO2 reductions in the maritime industry is at our fingertips and with PortXchange Synchronizer, ports can be set up and ready to go within weeks.”

The white paper is a wake-up call and a guide. Ports that serve ships on a first-come-first-served basis are causing an adverse carbon footprint through planning disruptions. JIT Port Arrivals, facilitated by PortXchange, are a quick-to-implement and low-cost solution for predictable, efficient and sustainable shipping. This is not the future. This is the here and now, the company says.

See https://port-xchange.com/whitepaper/untapped-potential-of-just-in-time-port-arrivals/

9. Marpol anniversary

The International Maritime Organization has reminded visitors to the website that the  MARPOL Convention has just celebrated its 50th anniversary, having been adopted on 2 November 1973.

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes.

Ships today must take measures on board to stop sewage, garbage and operational waste entering the sea without restriction – and ships must control emissions into the air. Ships must be designed and built to prevent and limit accidental spills of oil and chemicals. This is all thanks to rules adopted by the  IMO.

The anniversary has been marked throughout the year under the 2023 World Maritime theme: “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on”.

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said: “Today, 2 November, is a landmark milestone – 50 years since IMO Member States adopted this key treaty to protect the marine environment from pollution by ships from intentional, operational or accidental causes.  We can look back and welcome the steps that were taken back in 1973 to address pollution by oil and chemicals carried on ships, but also to mitigate pollution by packaged goods, by sewage and by garbage. In the 1990s, a new annex was adopted to address air pollution and emissions from ships. MARPOL regulations have been driving innovation to tackle pollution and to address global  issues, including climate change.”

“Of course, now is not the time to sit back. Shipping must embrace decarbonization, digitalization and innovative technology, including automation – while ensuring the human element is kept front and centre of the technological and green transition to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations. MARPOL has made a difference to shipping – and to the health of our oceans – and will continue to do so, as we look ahead to the next 50 years,” Secretary-General Lim said. 

To mark the 50th anniversary since the adoption of the MARPOL treaty, IMO asked Secretariat staff what MARPOL means to them. Watch the videos here.

The theme, “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on”, throws a spotlight on IMO’s important regulatory work over half a century to protect the environment from the impact of shipping, and emphasizes the Organization’s ongoing commitment to do more in support of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

10. Good neighbours

Insurer the TT Club applauds equipment sharing agreements as efficient use of resources but has flagged  up potential liability issues if appropriate insurance cover is not in place.  Guidance is outlined in the first of TT’s new ‘Risk Bytes’ series of advice documents.

The benefits of good neighbour agreements are well recognised and utilised by cargo handling operators, and others in the supply chain to successful effect.  Sharing infrequently used equipment gives greater flexibility in operations and has significant cost savings.  Usually reciprocal arrangements, they are not always formally outlined in well-defined contracts.
“In such circumstances the casual nature of the arrangement, though often workable and agreeable to both parties, can lead to potential risks where liability and responsibility in the unfortunate event of an incident or breakdown may not be clear,” says TT’s Mike Yarwood. “It is these circumstances that we are seeking to help operators avoid with our recently published ‘Risk Byte: Good neighbour agreements’.”
This is the first in a series of ‘Risk Bytes’ which TT is providing to its membership and those in the global supply chain.  They are designed to provide a snapshot of the risks associated with day-to-day operating – risks that may not be recognised or, if they are, not sufficiently covered by the relevant insurance policies.  ‘Risk Bytes’ are aimed at simplifying complex risk issues by providing easily digestible information and guidance.
As regards good neighbour agreements the primary risk, explains Yarwood,   “Is in the event of the equipment or machine being lost or damaged during the period of the loan leading to financial exposure for the owner.  In addition, this might severely impact business operations and cancel out any benefit gained from the arrangement, and severely damage years of a good working relationship with the neighbour.”
This first topic of ‘Risk Bytes’ outlines provisions that should be made in a formalised written contract, giving clarity on where the risk and liability rests during the operation of any shared asset and gives the opportunity for thorough due diligence to be carried out before the agreement is signed.
Yarwood concludes, “Of course, we recommend checks on financial stability and whether sufficient and appropriate insurance cover is in place.  But we are also offering advice on adequate staff training, health and safety provision and include a readily recognised case study of a typical asset sharing operation.”
A copy of ‘Risk Byte: Good neighbour agreements’ can be downloaded, free of charge HERE

Notices & Miscellany

In a first for the UK, Sailors‘ Society is hosting a Wellness at Sea Maritime Schools‘ Conference, especially for the country’s Gen Z seafarers.
As well as practical advice on how to get their first job, these UK cadets will hear presentations from key industry leaders and influencers, including Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General of the International Ship Managers’ Association, Sophia Bullard, Director of Crew Health Programme at Thomas Millar P&I Ltd and Heidi Heseltine, founder of the Diversity Study Group.
The virtual conference, funded by Inmarsat and Trinity House, will also feature panel discussions with student representatives on topics ranging from the practical skills needed to handle diversity in the modern maritime world to the trends shaping career opportunities for young shipping professionals.
Those attending on Thursday, November 9 will also hear from Gen Z seafarers themselves about their experiences of life at sea.
Sailors’ Society CEO, Sara Baade, said: “These conferences are designed to equip cadets for their future careers and we are delighted to be holding our first event for the UK’s maritime schools – giving this must-have knowledge to their cadets.
“We have brought together top industry experts to give these new seafarers a real insight into the realities of life at sea and we also want to give them the tools they will need to look after their own mental and physical health in the future.
‘But these events are also designed to give a voice to these young people, allowing them to speak to the industry they are about to join.”
Sailors’ Society launched these global cadet conferences in 2021. Almost 11,000 cadets have attended across the world since then, with 98 per cent saying the conference had better prepared them for a life at sea and that it should be mandatory in maritime school curriculums.
To see the full UK conference agenda go to https://sailors-society.org/msc-uk-agenda
You can register for the UK event at https://sailors-society.org/msc-uk-agenda

IACS membership
The International Association of Classification Societies has welcomed Türk Loydu into membership, after a successful verification of their compliance with the IACS Membership Criteria.

The application process provides IACS with assurance that the entire Türk Loydu fleet is in full compliance with all IACS Resolutions, with the exception of some ships that are readily identifiable on the Türk Loydu website.  In accordance with IACS’ Membership criteria, these ships will also either become fully compliant within 3 years or will need to de-classified by Türk Loydu after that period.

During this time, Türk Loydu’s status will be that of a non-voting member of IACS but meeting the same minimum quality standards and with equal rights of participation in all IACS working groups.

DNV conference
DNV recently presented the Energy Transition Outlook 2023 and is planning to hold a webinar to discuss the issues on November 14.
In this short webinar, DNV’s Energy Transition Programme Director, Sverre Alvik, presents the findings of DNV’s new Pathway to Net Zero Emissions report, which is what DNV believes is the most plausible way of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

He will describe the gap between this wanted future and the most likely future presented in the Energy Transition Outlook. He will also outline what the optimal energy mix looks like in a net zero world by industry sector and world regions, and which technologies will prevail.

He will then discuss with DNV’s CEO of Energy Systems, Ditlev Engel, what this means for the upcoming Climate Change Conference COP28 in Dubai later this month. What must be prioritized? Where are bold policies most needed? How much faster should Europe and North America transition to net zero emissions compared with China, India and other regions?

Register today

IMO/ILO conference
A major IMO/ILO conference on safety at work at sea is to take place at IMO Headquarters in London on November 13.

The Joint IMO/ILO Conference on Work at Sea will focus on sharing best practices, views and experiences to ensure the rights of seafarers and fishers, identify gaps in the current regulatory framework, and explore how governments, industry, IGOs and NGOs can collaborate to improve the relevant international maritime legal framework.
The conference will include sessions on the following:

Ensuring rights at sea:  Best practices for responsible ship management; Ensuring respect of seafarers’ rights at all times: Lessons learned from COVID-19.
Maritime regulatory framework:  Key ILO and IMO Conventions for the fishing sector: Opportunities and challenges; Maritime regulatory framework and enforcement, what else is needed?

Perspectives for the future:  Seafarers in a digitalized and automated shipping industry; Navigating the Future.

Conference programme. The conference programme is available here:

Joint IMO-ILO Conference -programme -media.pdf

Please notify the Editor of your appointments, promotions, new office openings and other important happenings: contactus@themaritimeadvocate.com

And finally,

(With thanks to Paul Dixon)

A pirate captain was on the look out for buried treasure.

After months of hard sailing, day in and day out, his ship caught site of land, the land to which his treasure map had been leading.

He and his first mate disembarked on the island to search out the buried treasure, which was supposed to lie hidden deep within a swamp at the center of the island.

Sure enough, at the center of the island was a swamp, and the Captain and his first mate bravely entered the swamp.

Soon the swamp began to get deeper, and the pirate’s feet, then ankles, and finally entire leg below the knees was covered in swamp.

It was at that time that the Captain banged his shin against something hard. He reached down, searched around, and pulled up a treasure chest.

Prying the lock open, the chest revealed gold and jewels beyond imagination.

The Captain turned to his first mate and said, “Arrrr, matey, that just goes to show ye, that booty is only shin deep!”

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Maritime Advocate Online is a fortnightly digest of news and views on the maritime industries, with particular reference to legal issues and dispute resolution. It is published to over 20,000 individual subscribers each week and republished within firms and organisations all over the maritime world. It is the largest publication of its kind. We estimate it goes to around 60,000 readers in over 120 countries.

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