As we watch, monitor as well as participating here in allaboutshipping the decarbonisation saga evolving over the last 12 years, INTERCARGO’s Forum come at no better time at the Lighthouse of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center in Athens.
Under the simple, straight and powerful title “Solutions for Sustainable Dry Bulk Shipping”, the Forum, supported by TECHNAVA, attracted just over 200 attendees.
Excellent speakers delivering unique presentations and questions from the audience contributed to this successful forum moderated by INTERCARGOs Technical Committee Vice-Chairman, Dimitris N. Monioudis, the president of HESGB and head of R&K in London.

The Design and Shipbuilding session: “Our Approach to Net Zero Society” was delivered by Takeshi MASHIMA, General Manager (Technical) of Nihon Shipyard (Japan’s largest shipbuilding group) supported by: Shuntaro NAKAHARA, Assistant Manager, Marketing & Planning Group, Tomofumi HIGAKI, Nihon Shipyard Athens Office and Yuki TASHIRO, Nihon Shipyard Athens Office
Engine Makers points session: “WinGD X-DF for alternative fuels: A breakthrough for bulkers” was presented by Carmelo Cartalemi, General Manager, Head of Global Sales
On the Technology aspect: “Tailored solutions for Bulk Carriers”, same was given by Peter Borgnæs, Global Head of Sales for the environmental portfolio, Business Unit Heat & Gas systems (Marine Division) from Alfa Laval Aalborg A/S.
And finally, the hottest topic in the shipping world (commencing on January 1st 2024): “EU ETS and the Commercial Impact” was well presented by Ms Linda Kongerslev, Director of Sustainability at Oldendorff Carriers.

A nice light buffet networking reception followed with more questions flying on the deck of the Lighthouse overlooking the plain of Athens, thanks to the weather…
Many Congratulations to all involved for this timely forum.