Standardisation is crucial to improving efficiencies in bond issuance |
By Burhan Khadbai |
Increased standardisation would have the biggest impact on efficiency in both pre-trade and post-trade bond issuance processes, a new survey from OMFIF’s Sovereign Debt Institute finds. The survey delves into the challenges facing bond markets and identifies solutions through responses from those directly involved in the issuance process. Read the full commentary → |

UK regulatory treatment of renminbi sovereign bonds merits review By Yijun Gu London’s role as an offshore renminbi hub could be improved by gaining better understanding of China’s sovereign debt markets. Read the full commentary → |

The future of payments 2023 |
Wednesday 13 December, Live broadcast |
In this year’s Future of payments report, we examine the diverse approaches being adopted by industry players and uncover the geopolitical factors driving their choices. Register → |

Building bridges: advancing China-UK economic relations for a sustainable future |
This forum was a pivotal platform for examining and developing areas of mutual economic benefit to China and the UK, bringing together government and private sector experts. Watch → |

Unlocking opportunities through better public finance management |
In collaboration with EY, this report explores the urgent need for global transformation and modernisation in public finance management systems. Download → |