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Route Canal Therapy

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Route Canal Therapy
Will maritime choke points contribute to shorter supply chains?

The Bab-al-Mandab strait, along with the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal, are well known chokepoints which, when choked, cause all kind of plans to circumvent them to be pulled from old filing cabinets and dusted off, ready to be re-made for the digital age.

All the voyage planners need to complete the set now is some kind of disruption to the Straits of Malacca, or a blockade of the South China Sea – exactly the sorts of event which the Chinese Navy has been enlarged to counter. China already has long range plans for alternative routes for its imports and exports. These include the Northern Sea Route and a canal through Thailand.

China’s investments in Egypt and Morocco (see my earlier Macro Macchiato note, “The Future of Logistics?”) might gain traction if sea routes end up having to divert around a growing number of geopolitical danger areas. In other words, global supply chains may splinter into regional supply chains to de-risk them.

Read more here

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