Company Security Officer (CSO) Training Course
DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 23-25 January 2024, a three-day seminar that provides participants with the knowledge, understanding and proficiencies as required by the ISPS Code to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities as Company Security Officer (CSO). Practical case studies, exercises and videos are used to illustrate possible measures to comply with the maritime security requirements as laid down in the ISPS Code. Achievement of competencies is assessed by means of a final test.
The course objective is the provision of internationally recognised training for qualification as:
Company Security Officer (CSO) in accordance with the standard of competence as outlined in the Guidelines on Training and Certification for CSOs issued as Annex of MSC/Circ.1154 and IMO Model Course 3.19.
Emphasis will be given on:
• Development, implementation, maintenance and supervision of Ship Security Plans
• Identification of threats and vulnerabilities and assessment of security risks
• Methods for Inspection and Monitoring of security measures on board ships
• Operation, testing and calibration of security equipment and systems
• Enhancing security awareness and vigilance of company staff (ship and shore)
Course: Company Security Officer (CSO) Training Course
Venue, Date: DNV Premises, 23-25 January 2024, 09:30 – 17:00 hours
Fees: € 1150,00 plus VAT
Registration deadline: 18 January 2024
You can book it through our Training Portal DNV GL External – Browse Catalogue
We look forward to welcoming you,
Best regards,
Marina Papaioannou PhD Regional Maritime Academies Manager Maritime Service Center
Please copy your answer to the e-mail address: academy.hellas@dnv.com
DNV HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. General Register of Commerce Number 44409907000 marina.papaioannou@dnv.com
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