Celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day, the Nautical Institute in collaboration with The Seafarers’ Charity, invites you to join our FREE webinar on the 9th of April 2024, at 9.30am UK time.
The experience of working at sea can be quite different for women than it is for their male colleagues, despite filling the same roles, following the same work patterns and operating in the same working environments.
In this webinar we will explore:
- the meaning of a psychologically safe workplace that supports women and creates the conditions that are favourable for women’s career progression, their happiness and retention at sea
- the behaviours in a male dominated workplace that are considered unacceptable and steps that can be taken to identify and eliminate unacceptable behaviours at sea
- the support and resources available for woman working at sea to champion their health, wellbeing and success in an industry so lacking in female leadership and perspective
Please join our expert speakers from The Seafarers’ Charity, WISTA, ISWAN, Safer Waves and Salute Her, UK to hear them discuss:
- The personal experiences of women working at sea
- The benefits of promoting better psychological safety onboard among all crew members
- The support available to all seafarers affected by sexual violence, harassment, or gender discrimination
- The bespoke support available to women who have experienced sexual violence at sea
- The findings from a 2023 research report from the Seafarers International Research Centre at Cardiff University on The Port-based Welfare Needs of Women Seafarers
Our panel:

Somiyeh Djavanroodi – The Nautical Institute – Moderator
Somiyeh’s experience is firmly rooted in education and training. She has been central in building The Nautical Institute Academy to becoming an established academy. She focuses on the development of training which champions effective professional development – specifically in relation to leadership, the human element, competency, mental health, wellbeing, and life-long learning for seafarers.
She is specialising in enhancing leadership and management by improving operational performance through changing management culture.

Deborah Layde – The Seafarers’ Charity
Deborah Layde is the current Chair of the Women In Maritime Network and Chief Executive of The Seafarers’ Charity. The Seafarers’ Charity is the largest independent grant funder of an eco-system of maritime welfare services for people working at sea – whether on ships, superyachts, cruise ships or fishing vessels. She is a self-declared passionate advocate for the safety and welfare of all seafarers. Having commissioned the research on the Port-Based Welfare Needs of Women Seafarers the charity has used the research to inform their funding of a range of support services for women seafarers, including peer support groups, trauma counselling and emotional and pastoral support.

Karin Staal – WISTA
Karin Staal has over 20 years of experience in maritime. Her career began onboard Chemical tankers before moving into port state control and onto crew management. Now a self-employed maritime consultant, Karin is a behaviour change expert and a member of WISTA International. With her perspective as both crew and company, Karin believes that a happy crew results in fewer incidents, higher safety awareness, efficiency, and more profit.

Georgia Allen – ISWAN
Georgia Allen is the Projects and Relationships Manager at the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN). ISWAN manages SeafarerHelp and Yacht Crew Help which are both free, confidential, multilingual helplines for seafarers available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The ISWAN team regularly receive contacts from seafarers requiring guidance and support with personal relationships onboard.
Rebecca Newdick – Safer Waves
Rebecca Newdick is a working seafarer and founder of Safer Waves. She set up Safer Waves in 2019 in response to a perceived gap in the provision of support for merchant seafarers who have experienced sexual violence, sexual harassment or gender discrimination on board

Paula Edwards – Salute Her, UK
Paula is the Chief Executive Officer of ‘Salute Her UK’. She has over 15 years’ clinical mental health experience and is a qualified Clinical and Pastoral Counsellor and CBT, DBT and Brief Family therapist. During her time at Salute Her UK, Paula has project managed the set-up of the only trauma informed, tri service needs led charity that specialises in gender specific mental health care and Military Sexual Trauma. Since 2023 The Seafarers’ Charity has funded Salute Her UK to expand their services to women working at sea.

To register for the event, please visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3401053785173511512?source=NI+eMail