DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 16 and 17 April 2024, a two-day live virtual classroom on Marine Insurance and Claims. The workshop is designed for those working in the operation and in dealing with insurance and claims matters, in shipowning and management companies. It aims to give an understanding of the legal and practical aspects of marine insurance and claims management.
Through interactive sessions they will be guided how to respond in emergency situations, prevent or mitigate claims through risk analysis and examine how to carry out effective claims management and incident investigation. They will be able to recognize the importance of evidence collection, claims enforcement and settlement procedures.
Course Objectives
- To acquire a better understanding and practical knowledge on how the marine insurance market operates and of claims handling.
- To examine the principles of the Hull and Machinery, Protection and Indemnity of third party liabilities and related insurance covers and review the important terms of the covers and the requirements for placing the risks.
- To respond effectively in emergency cases, prevent or mitigate claims through risk analysis and claims management.
Focus points:
- Introduction: The principle of Due Diligence
- History of Marine Insurance
- The London Market
- Other Insurance Markets
- The Insurance Act 2015
- Insurance Brokers role
- The Global Marine Insurance Market
- The Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance
- Hull & Machinery and I.V. covers
- H&M claims/ Navigational claims
- General Average – The York-Antwerp Rules
- Salvage – Lloyd’s Open Form, SCOPIC
- Wreck Removal, Oil Pollution & Places of Refuge
- Protection & Indemnity
- Freight Demurrage & Defence
- Accident Investigation and Claims Management
- War Risks, Piracy, Smuggling,
- Cyber & Personal Data Risks
- Charterers insurance and Bunker claims
- Crew Claims, Stowaways
- Enforcement of Maritime Claims
- Sanctions
- Case Study
Course: Marine Insurance & Claims
Venue, date: DNV Premises,16-17 April 2024 (10:00 – 16:30)
Trainer: Mrs Mary Pothitos, Paralegal Maritime Services, Claims Handling consultant, Fellow member of the Institute of Paralegals UK, DNV’s Maritime Academy Trainer.
Fees: Euros 940,00 plus VAT
Registration Deadline: 10 April 2024
You can book it through our Training Portal DNV GL External – Browse Catalogue.
Should you require additional information or clarifications please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Best regards,
Marina Papaioannou PhD
Regional Maritime Academies Manager
Maritime Service Center
Please copy your answer to the e-mail address: academy.hellas@dnv.com
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