Following his monumental speech last Friday at the Homerion Conference Centre in central Chios , Antonis Faraklas, Chartworld’s CEO, delivered yet another exceptional speech at his hometown of Vrontados (now called Homeroupolis) on Saturday at the Andreadion Gymnasium – from where he graduated, to the students of the second and third class of the Lyceum, advising, explaining and inviting them to join the shipping community particularly that of Seafaring and that of the Administration – offshore offices. Kostas Petrakis too, the HSQ Manager / DPA of Chartworld spoke too. The event was introduced by Pantelis Salliaris, president of Andreadio Gymnasium’s Alumni Union.

Worth noticing a Chartworld’s poster inviting youngster at sea under the maxim: sea… your future in a shipping relationship. As Prof Helen Thanopoulou of the University of the Aegean said, its about time people return back to their roots.

Interestingly, a hand made model of a warship was exhibited (see picture below), the product and effort of young student-craftsmen who just before the New Year, every year organise a competition for the best model-ship; thereafter they donate same. Four regions participate in this model-ship competition: Aghia Paraskevi, Kastello, Castle and Tourloti. Well done!