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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies LR – Managing Underwater Radiated Noise for the Cruise Industry

LR – Managing Underwater Radiated Noise for the Cruise Industry

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Managing Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) for the Cruise Industry

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Recent developments, including the approval of revised guidelines at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) level, underscore the urgency of addressing adverse impacts on marine life. The revised Guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from commercial shipping (MEPC.1‌/Circ.‌906) and the Guidelines for underwater radiated noise reduction in Inuit Nunaat and the Arctic (MEPC‌.1/Cir‌c.907) highlight the industry’s commitment to mitigating URN.

Join our Technical Specialists on Underwater Noise radiated from cruise ships who will delve into insights into these pivotal advancements and their implications for your operations, as well as recommendations on how to manage your fleet in anticipation of potential mandatory requirements.

Webinar Details:
Date: Wednesday 29 May, 2024
Webinar 1‌: 1:0‌0 p‌m – 2‌:00 pm (B‌ST) / 8‌:00a‌m – 9:0‌0am (EST)
Webinar 2: 7:‌00 p‌m – 8‌:00 pm (‌BST) / 2‌:00pm – 3:0‌0pm (EST)

Explore how you can reduce your harbour fees with noise-compliant vessels
Introduction to URN and its impact on the cruise industry
Regulatory landscape and compliance requirements
Learn how to reduce your vessel’s ecological impact
LR’s solutions for URN management:
Development of URN plan establishing baseline and goals
Selecting and implementing reduction technologies
Independent verification and validation processes
Vessel design optimisation
Case studies and best practices
Live Q&A session
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