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Home HRAcademia Join our 4th Pharma Logistics Masterclass

Join our 4th Pharma Logistics Masterclass

by admin

✔ A week-long series of presentations, debates and practical workshops focused on key challenges for pharma logistics and pharma supply chains

✔ An innovative forum for supply chain, pharma and air freight professionals as well as (advanced) master and PhD students to broaden their industry expertise including field visits and informal activities

✔ The Pharma Logistics Masterclass will be offered on site at Dallas Fort Worth

View the Masterclass program

For professionals, academics and PhD or advanced students

The current critical aspects of pharma logistics are covered during the Pharma Logistics Masterclass. This is a wonderful opportunity for seasoned professionals in the business to gain more in-depth knowledge, as well as for academics and PhD students who would like to gain advanced insight into how pharmaceutical supply chains are organised and what scientific methods can be applied to optimise logistics processes for the pharma and life sciences sector. During and in between the sessions, there will be many networking opportunities.

Register here for the Masterclass

We’re thrilled to announce that the Pharma Logistics Masterclass 2024 is introducing Poster Presentations as a highlight of this year’s event! Calling all researchers, scholars, and industry practitioners to showcase their innovative work in Pharma Logistics. Whether it’s optimizing supply chains, exploring sustainability, or advancing technology, we want to hear from you.

Submit your poster here


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