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Home HRAcademia The 84th Anniversary of Greece’s NO Day in London

The 84th Anniversary of Greece’s NO Day in London

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A view of St. Sophia dring the event; picture by Filleria Zymari.

The 84th Anniversary of Greece’s second most important event in its modern history and in particular in the Military and National one, comes at “no better time” given what takes place in Greece’s periphery with the waging and despicable wars in the Middle East, Ukraine and beyond!

The 28th of October 1940 – when the Greeks entered the Second World War, was celebrated in the British capital and all over the United Kingdom at the diaspora churches earlier on today.

Once again, the main event took place at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom (St. Sophia) in Bayswater’s Moscow Road. Following the Divine Liturgy, the special liturgy for the event officiated by Archimandrite Theonas Bakalis assisted by Father Nyphon took place.

The Ambassador Cοuncelor Mrs. Ioanna Kriembardi (pictured above)- representing the Ambassador Yannis Tsaoussis, who was honouring the event in Scotland, delivered the traditional speech for the day. Father Nyphon also spoke.

Present were also the Greek Defence Attache Captain (HN) Nikolas Filias with officers from his department as well as Commander (HN) Ilias Raptis, Comair, Northolt, the Greek Maritime Attache Mrs. Angeliki Iatropoulou (HCG), Dr. Kyriakos Kouros, Cyprus High Commissioner in UK with his wife Mrs. Kinani Kourou, the Cypriot Military Attache Lt Col Theocharis Onoufriou, the Greek head of the Press Office Mrs Mariana Varvarigou, the head of the Greek Consulate Mr. Christos Goulas and other Embassy and Consulate personnel where present. Academics, Teachers and Students from the London Greek Schools and Universities, presidents and members of the many Greek and Cypriot associations and as always members of the Greek Shipping Fraternity with many from the HESGB!

Once again the reception took place at the Crypt of Saint Sophia with over 300 guests enjoying traditional Greek meze and drinks and exchanging wishes for The “NO” (OXI) Day! …AND what a great meat-pie that was – all dips and meze where as always home made from volunteer ladies of the Greek London Diaspora!

Once again we remind you that Greece has lost the majority of its Merchant fleet in World War Two and hundreds of Seafarers in all Seven Seas. We don’t wish to remind you the Honor bestowed by World Leaders for the miraculous Greek Fighters and the simple Greeks resisting Fascism in their epic fight in all fronts; it is about time the World  “returns” this to Greece and its people and not allow the EU  and certain elements and nations to further harm Greece and its people!

Again we encourage you to pay a visit at Tower Hill’s Memorial – just off the tube station, for all those Seafarers who perished in Two World Wars; their names and ships are engraved in bronze plaques/slates; in the past we used to honour them with an open liturgy / service with representatives from all of Greece’s Naval and Maritime representatives as well as the diplomatic corps followed by dinner! A MUST to revive this event! One has to wonder what would have been the outcome of WWII without Greek Shipping and the unique efforts of the Greek Seafarers who actively participated in these five plus years in this struggle all over Planet Ocean! Logistics at its best!

From the figures we have, over 2,000 (two thousand) seafarers lost their lives; over 2,500 were wounded, dozens lost their sanity. 72 centum of the greek fleet was lost – 486 vessels close to 1.5 million grt.

Long Live Greece! Long Live the Masters and Seafarers of the Seven Seas, Long Live the Hellenic Armed Forces, Long Live the 28th of October 1940!


pictures by Filleria Zymari who also contributed to this coverage.

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