The most powerful Shipping society outside Greece is by far the HESGB (Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain), which earlier on today elected its new Governing Committee. It’s charitable status is second to none, an important issue / factor for our global society these turbulent day!
The voting for the Governing Committee took place at the board room of the GSCC.
Prior to this on the 29th of January at the Board Room of London’s Hellenic, the AGM took place, a very interesting meeting and process with details on the Society’s financial situation, the events with took place in2024 – the 29th Annual Dinner & Dance, the Summer BBQ at Trailfinders, the Christmas dinner at Meraki and the four drinks and dips gatherings in unique selected restaurants and pubs on the banks of Father Thames, and the future of the society; excellent!

Thereafter the voting took place; a very well organized process, thanks to the organisational skills on a shipshape basis of the elections committee.
Excellent drinks and dips and most importantly a good turn out. Voting also took place electronically from members around Planet Ocean!

Dimitris Monioudis, CEO at R&K and Intercargo’s Technical director, was re-elected as president.
The other positions where filed by the following:
Patty Apostolopoulou of LR and Christos Kottas from J.P.Morgan Asset Management were elected deputy presidents
Dimitris Tsevdos from ABS was elected Secretary Ioannis Maragkos was elected Deputy Secretary Evan Zaranis was elected Treasurer – a position he holds from the past Kostas Amarantidis, the director of GSCC retains his position as Deputy Treasurer Vicky Kotsovolou become the second Deputy Treasure Marina Chatzimousai from ABS is the Social Media coordinator Maria Dragoumerli from ABL Greece filled the position of Website coordinator Anny Zade from www.allaboutshipping.co.uk becomes the Digital Media Adviser
Members of the Governing Committee:
Panayiotis Zervoulakos from Ashley Group is the University Liaison coordinator Dimitrios Chalas from LR, Kostas Papadakis from DNV, Takis Pappas from Silverstream Technologies Costas Stavropoulos and Dinos Symeonidis from Lomar Shipping Ltd
George Foustanos from Andros Maritime Agencies Ltd and Alex Xenakis, both veterans of the Governing Committee, are the new two Special Advisers –experience counts more than anything else!

Good to see five women in the Executive Committee with one rising to the top… Not to mention young ladies and gentlemen, a good sign for the new shipping generation and the HESGB itself!
We now look forward to the 30th Annual Dinner & Dance on Saturday the22nd of February 2025 at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London’s Park Lane; ensure you book to avoid disappointment as we understand we are close to the limit… last year between 700 – 720 attended this unique event. Watch this space!