Livorno Port Authority issues the following Restricted Call for Tender in accordance with art. 55, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree No. 163/2006, single project financing under art. No. 153, paragraphs 1-14, of the same Decree, for “The final and executive design project for the First Phase of the European Platform of the Port of Livorno, including the container terminal and all the related infrastructure works, as well as the execution of construction works, Terminal set up and port operations management, according to art. 16 of Law No. 84/1994.
Contract starting price: Euros 504.460.000, 00, including Euros 3.085.000, 00 for safety costs, no V.A.T. taxable. CIG (Contract reference number):6548209901; CUP(Unique code of procedure):B41H15000170005; CPV(Common procurement vocabulary):45241000-8.
The term of the concession is50 years including final and executive design, works execution, Terminal management and port operations execution.
Further details are set out in the Tender rules.
Award criteria: The Tender will be awarded based on the most economically advantageous criterion, according to Art. 83 of Legislative Decree No. 163/2006.
For Tender participation requirements please see the Tender Notice.
Deadline for submission of requests for participation: Tenderer must send Packages containing applications to participate and all required documents set out in the Tender Rules at the address as follows:
Livorno Port Authority
– Tender and contracts Dpt. –
Scali Rosciano No. 6 –
57123 Livorno,
and they will be received TILL 12:00 Hrs ON MARCH 22ND 2016.
The Call for Tender, Tender Rules and attachments, as well as Technical Report are available and can be downloaded from Port Authority website:
Person in charge of the Tender process: Mr Enrico Pribaz.
The abovementioned process is authorized by Livorno Port Authority Commissioner, Mr. Giuliano Gallanti (Decree No. 183 dated December 30TH 2015).
Date of dispatch of the Call for Tender’s Abstract to the Official Journal of the European Community: January 11TH, 2016.
For further information please call +39 0586 249411 or send an email to: appalti@porto.livorno.it.
Livorno, January 11TH 2016.