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Art and Video Contests for Youth

by admin

namepaArt and Video Contests for Youth Promote the Maritime Industry and Environment

Two contests for youth are promoting both the  maritime industry and the marine environment. 
Spread the word and give young artists their chance showcase their skills– CLICK HERE to forward to a friend.

ArtContest“Ships Bring the World to Us”
K-12 Art Contest
Students in grades K-12 are invited to participate in the annual calendar art contest sponsored by the North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA), the United States Coast Guard (USCG), Mystic Aquarium and the Inter-American Committee on Ports of the Organization of American States (CIP-OAS).The theme of this year’s contest is “Ships Bring the World to Us.” Ships travel the world carrying over 90% of the world’s goods – from raw materials to finished products. Submissions to the art contest should focus on the importance of ships and the types of cargo they carry.
The submission deadline is March 23, 2016, and winners will be announced by May 13, 2016. For complete contest guidelines, prize details, and more information about ships and their positive impact on the world, visitwww.namepa.net/art-contest.
En Español: www.namepa.net/concurso-de-arte

Video Contest for Teens
Amazing contest for youth ages 13-18 interested in the sea, from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Happening now!  #SpeakForTheOcean
Students, give the ocean a voice! If the ocean could speak, what would it say? What would you say on the ocean’s behalf? Make a 30-second video to show the world your ideas! Be creative, and #SpeakForTheOcean!The Grand Prize is a trip to Woods Hole, Massachusetts to tour the nation’s newest ocean research ship, the R/V Neil Armstrong, and have a behind-the-scenes tour of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to see how ocean scientists and engineers are working to understand Earth’s ocean.Enter now! The #SpeakForTheOcean Contest runs February 1-29, 2016. For Contest rules and more information, see http://www.whoi.edu/SpeakForTheOcean.

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