CLOSURE OF BOSPHORUS Bosphorus, Turkey |
Closure of Bosphorus |
Wednesday, March 2, 2016, Bosphorus, Turkey |
Traffic in the Bosphorus will be suspended from 00:01 to 13:00 hours on Friday 4 March, due to works on the 3. bridge (Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge).For information about operations in the Turkish Straits contact GAC Istanbul at |
Revised port navigation & berth depths |
Wednesday, March 2, 2016, Townsville, Australia |
Mariners are advised that the design and actual berth depths below port datum, Lowest Astronomical Tide, are amended, as of Tuesday, 1 March 2016, as follows:OUTER HARBOUR (Arrival Channel) – Actual Depth: 6.0OUTER HARBOUR (Departure Channel) – Actual Depth: 10.1*SEA CHANNEL – Actual Depth: 12.0* CHANNEL WEDGE PLATYPUS CHANNEL INNER HARBOUR NO.1 BERTH POCKET NO.2 BERTH POCKET NO.3 BERTH POCKET NO.4 BERTH POCKET NO.8 BERTH POCKET NO.9 BERTH POCKET NO.10 BERTH POCKET NO.11 BERTH POCKET ROSS RIVER CHANNEL (Entrance to Beacon No.6) ROSS RIVER CHANNEL (Upstream of Beacon No.6) ROSS CREEK * Revised entry (For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at Source: Maritime Safety Queensland Notice to Mariners 076(T) of 2016 |
Gatun Lake level & draft restriction projection |
Wednesday, March 2, 2016, Panama Canal, Panama |
As of 0700 hours LT, March 1, 2016, the level of Gatun Lake was 24.77m (81.25 feet) PLD.Our most recent forecast indicates that the descending trend of the level of Gatun Lake will continue through March and April 2016. Based on these adverse meteorological conditions, it is projected that draft restrictions will most likely be imposed during the second half of April 2016.If draft restrictions become necessary, the ACP [Panama Cana; Authority) will issue an Advisory to Shipping advising the maximum available draft (TFW) and effective date of implementation. This Advisory will be published at least four to five weeks prior to the implementation date, in order to provide vessels being loaded with sufficient time to comply with this new restriction.This information is for planning purposes only, as nay draft restrictions will be implemented based on forecast updates and the actual level of Gatun Lake.
(For information about operations in the Panama Canal, contact GAC-Wilford & McKay at gac-wilfordmckay.panama@gac. Source: Panama Canal Authority Advisory to Shipping No.A-07-2016 dated 1 March 2016 |