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ITS Observatory Newsflash – July 2016

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ITS Observatory 14JULY2016ITS Observatory presented the beta version of the platform at the ITS Congress in Glasgow. Following the feedback received, the platform has been further fine-tuned. The validation process is ongoing and the data collection with selected stakeholders will start August 2016. This in anticipation of the public launch of the platform foreseen for October 2016.

European initiatives promote smart transport services
PolicyTracker: the spectrum management newsletter
The Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Alliance and ITS Observatory aim to put Europe in the led in developing and rolling out intelligent transport systems.
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ITS Observatory discusses business models and sustainability strategy at Glasgow Congress
ITS Observatory was present at the EU ITS Congress in Glasgow with a Special Interest Session focussed on business models and sustainability strategy for decision-support tools in the area of ITS.
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‘social Wikipedia for ITS’ unveiled at European Congress
ITS Observatory project coordinator Paul Kompfner talked to Traffic technology Today Exclusive during the Glasgow congress. The ITS Observatory will act as information hub for the ITS industry, where all users will be able to contribute information and expertise about the projects they are working on, provide pinon and events for the benefits of the wider community. This could eventually become an extensive online database of ITS projects – a sort of specialized, active Wikipedia – upon which the transportation industry can rely.
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ITS Observatory: First Europe-wide inventory of ITS deployment offers new promotion channels for ITS owners and suppliers
Thinking Highways
The ITS Observatory is an interactive information marketplace with features to help support a dynamic ITS community of public authorities, system owners and suppliers, service providers and users in order to deliver effective solutions and connections to peers.
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ITS Observatory prepares platform’s sustainability strategy
In order to ensure the long term continuity and sustainability of this platform, the ITS Observatory project started to develop a strategy and explore, establish and implement a business plan that will provide the basis to safeguard the ITS Observatory as an available resource.
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ITS Observatory webinar – a unique tool for ITS deployment, an introduction
51 stakeholders participated in the first ITS Observatory webinar that presented a general overview of the benefits and key features of the ITS Observatory, the value of the ITS Observatory for the ITS stakeholders, Customer Cases and a potential Customer testimonial. Polls took place throughout the webinar to collect valuable feedback on the individual presentations.
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The ITS Observatory is a 2 year support action to develop a flexible and easy to use resource on Intelligent Transport Systems as developed and deployed in Europe.

The ITS Observatory will help overcome gaps and fragmentation of the European ITS landscape by providing ITS stakeholders with access to reliable, understandable and coherent information on what ITS is deployed where, the who’s who, success stories and other features,  supporting them in ITS deployment and business development.

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