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Home NewsBreaking News Market and Geopolitics plot thickens…

Market and Geopolitics plot thickens…

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John Faraclas

John Faraclas

The situation both in the Markets and Geopolitics very soon will get off-hand… John Faraclas’ daily report:

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) closed 18 points higher than yesterday at 1,202; a ray of hope or thickening of the plot…? Time will tell, but one thing is for sure: things are getting sour for many!

The Capers lead the gains with the BCI 2014 on 44 plus points, now standing at 2,304…

The Papamaxes’ BPI followed suit with almost half at a 24 points plus gains and now reads 1,424 points…

The Supras’ BSI “regained” its last four lost points and now it is back at 908, and

The Handies’ BHSI gained five points and now at 532 poses safe from the 500 point threshold.

The Wets  once again with mixed …feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans)  stood at 896 (up four) and 448 (minus eight) points respectively…

The Energy jargon is here to stay…

The Container market looks more than sour…

The Shipfinance market in total disarray…

Many listed companies are in trouble and very few have cash to spare to acquire the much needed low priced ships – five-years old ones or super newbuildings of all types and size!  Hitting the perfect storm needs guts and pragmatic vision, not just the money! Intuition is a charisma though few poses! Hope some can make it through and others punish the shipyards and gain good cheap tonnage in the best ever buyers’ market the world has ever seen!

The price of WTI  down at US$ 45.46 makes waves… we shall see….the closing later on.

It is in the Geopolitical front that the plot thickens and on many regions around Planet Ocean things are getting uncontained with incalculable repercussions for world peace and smooth undisrupted trade in the world’s shipping lanes where the bulk, the 90 centum of the cargoes are being carried. We are sending a warning message, unless the business maritime risk assessors are being, as usually, silenced by the business hooligans – the politicians, warmongers and their cronies. CAUTION!

The MIGRANTS issue every minute gets worse whether as a result of the continuing mess in the Middle East and Africa AND elsewhere or as …a tentative result of blackmail, as Turkey threatens openly the entire European Community Area… Wonder why those supposed to be humane and ethical politicians of the Angela Merkel calibre are conspicuously silent – we have mentioned similar wordings in the past trying to bring Mrs. Merkel, as well as the leaders of the other side of the Atlantic, to their senses before Nemesis brings them down to their knees.  Ignoring these facts which break down the social cohesion of many countries, doesn’t matter rich or poor, will turn boomerang!

Turkey with its premeditated attitude will become a liability for the Western Alliance as it is pushing in all fronts and its diabolical orchestration in bringing-in other nations in the region, like Albania, against Greece. Isn’t time the UN really intervenes before it’s too late? We have warned that the Greeks worldwide this time will not remain just watching the developments; same applies for the countries to the East and South East of Turkey. There is no way one can ever accept Turkey or Albania or FYROM in the European Union with the behaviour they demonstrate!

The War in Syria in all these multiple fronts gets too far, obviously the architects of this mess, alike those with the destruction of the entire northern Africa when they introduced the Arab Spring… what a silly plot… The ISIS executions until the “Caliphate” is raised down the floor in Mosul raises other fears. I opt for the full scale military option – obviously there will be casualties, but the end of ISIS will come sooner and avoid destabilising the region. You never ever know what, if things go worse, the fate of the Suez Canal and other regional dire straits will be… In previous reporting we have focused on how China and its mega containership companies will tackle such a closure and the effects of going round the Cape of good Hope…

The Russian factor’s intentions for the region must be ultimately very clear and not like the 1922 Lenin’s stabbing of the Greeks when he sided with Mustapha Kemal Pasha… We all know by now what really happened and what is also envisaged by the Kremlin. Wonder though what happened to the Lawrence of Arabia legacy – you dead well know what I mean…

The Cyprus issue MUST be shorted out as it will further ignite the region.

BREXIT continues to more or less dominate the economic and to a certain extent the geopolitical happenings. No one can anymore trust North-Central Europe’s politicians vis-à-vis the rules of disengagement. Burn Maastricht, Lisbon, Dublin II treaties and agreements: they are null and void as for what sort of Europe they are talking about? The one that you have to meet certain entry criteria but if you opt for an opt out same are not existing? No one can take things for granted! Europe has the problem and NOT the United Kingdom. Ask Mr. Donald Tusk, the European Union’s president how he feels for the expats? In any event Mrs. May knows very well how to navigate in turbulent waters.

Germany’s security services are on alert fearing a Russian cyber-attack next year’s making nuisance the forthcoming general elections where Mrs. Merkel declared her willingness to run for a fourth term. She’s over the top!

In Greece too an appropriate change is much needed, not so much towards having elections or a new government led by the opposition, but a total change with an ARISTOS’ team to run the country. The rest is pure nonsense! All parties today represented in the Greek Parliament they bear the stigma of destroying the Greek people. Wait until the scandals issue comes up and you will see how many within Greece and abroad will be brought to the dock…

Italy is a country to watch too as well as neighbouring France…

In the USA the announcements of more ministries appointments flood the news. Let’s see at the end of the day what team Donald Trump will assemble to tackle domestic and external international problems in a very messy Planet Ocean!

In South America were a plane crashed carrying a Brazilian football team, unfortunately attracted the world’s sympathy; pity for the dead, a great pity for their families and loved ones as well as for the millions of their supporters. Our condolences is the least thing during these terrible moments…

The funeral of Cuba’s leader Fidel Castro brings around all the characteristics of pathos and envy, particularly for some super powers…

Mess in Kashmir with seven killed in a camp attack; caution…

A view from the conference; picture credits Sofia Falida, Antipolution SA

A view from the Arab -Hellenic Forum; picture credits Sofia Falida, Antipolution SA

The “5th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum”  at Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens begun today under the title “Unleashing the Arab-Hellenic potential” and we will revert with a full write up soon.

More news tomorrow as you have a lot to read think over-night…

Have a nice evening and be on guard wherever you are!

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