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Market Summer Blues or…

by admin

The BDI drops further, a bit contained though as Capers are in demand. Geopolitics will prove detrimental for all; John Faraclas’ daily recap:

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost two points and now reads 954 sending alarms…

The Capers’ BCI 2014 gained 26 points and now stands at 1,704. We reiterate the view that one size CANNOT determine the dry markets.

The Panamaxes fall continued with 16 points down and the BPI now reads 854.

The Supras’ BSI down two at 753 points, and

The Handies’ BHSI fell below the 500-points threshold at 496 – minus six!!!!

The Wets with mixed feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 785 – plus 20, and 513 – minus three points respectively…

The WTI just above the US$ 50 at US$ 50.78 to be precise; caution though as anything above the US$50 mark entails trouble for the world’s poor masses!!!

The Cruise Industry has a surge for the Greek brand, that is to say the Greek Archipelaga and Egypt, given the mess in Eastern Mediterranean Sea – unstable Turkey, War-torn Middle East and other factors. Indeed Peace has a chance through the Cruise Industry in the region; but who can get the message…

In a nutshell, on the Geopolitical front we are very concerned on the entire situation in the Middle East following president Tramp’s visit, the Iranian saga and recent Rouhani’s re-election… Caution as somebody might call a fast one in the region… We are warning you; things aren’t the way the new architects of politics envisaged… Armageddon is yet to come…

In our tonight’s briefing, on  Geopolitics please note the following developments:

Still on top the MIGRANTS with the latest statistics  via an article in Belgium’s newspaper Le Soir, confirming that one in forty is losing his life in the Mediterranean whilst crossing over. Less accidents happen to those crossing over from Turkish Anatolian coast to the Greek islands… Shame, as despite these findings, more and more cross over from the North African coast…

The Wars in Syria and Iraq continues and we all await to see the end of ISIS. We are also await to see how the super powers will divide the region despite the fact that thousand more are going to lose their lives!!!

Turkey is also the stumbling block in the region demanding things unthinkable in the past and putting at stake even its closer allies support and understanding; soon all backers will leave Turkey alone… Meantime the government and its security, judicial and other forces continues to investigate more and more of its citizens for suspicion in participating in last year’s coup. Taunting suspects by a hostile crowd reminds medieval and fascist methods… The Turkish violations of Greece’s and Europe’s air and sea frontiers continue and ten-fold!

Greece next door and particular its people continue to be strangulated by Berlin and the Brussels bureaucrats, add the different views with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and see why today’s Eurogroup failed to reach an agreement; hope is there but same mounts to an incalculable loss and cost AND suffering of the Greek public; SHAME! As we have recently reported, Greece has fallen back to recession for the first time since 2012!!! CAUTION. Time for all Greek politicians to resign and be tried for the despicable damage inflicted to the Greek public – same applies for their predecessors.-

BREXIT, as said in recent reports, produces and will produce major tremors not just in Europe but world-wide; it was though time for the United Kingdom to draw the line! Did I hear you say: Hard BREXIT? Oh well then, it might happen… It will be a costly divorce but there is evidence of wrong finances projections by Europe itself, unacceptable to the British… Walking out of talks, can happen… The election is coming up and Mrs. May’s Conservatives are going for a comfortable win… No room for Labour anymore for all intents and purposes… All over Europe for a start, the evil in running national economies headed by Labour or Socialist regimes has spectacularly failed… In the foreign policy too, labour and socialist regimes in Europe had created a big mess!!!!

Germany is offering a helping hand to France’s new president. Macron’s macro economy… let’s wait and see.

President Tramp’s tour continues in the Middle East with high level speeches making you think what is going to happen next in the Middle East AND the Mighty Continent… Isolating again Iran is NOT the solution; actions count more and that’s it. Peace is at stake.

In the Far East and particular in South Korea now, we are waiting to see ex-president Park’s trial to begin. Wonder how she will defend herself!!! Meantime South Korea is wondering what next with North Korea’s missile tests and other provocations within the Korean peninsula and beyond…

China seems in our judgement to remain impartial but the Chinese might pay a heavy levy for their neighbours behaviour… A collateral damage if the USA moves swiftly and then it will be hell in the entire Far East, as there are many issues at stake there – South China Sea which involves more than ten nations!!!! You can imagine another …”Middle East” situ in the Far East.

Japan is closely watching all developments and the Japanese should NOT be taken for granted. They will defend their corner to the end!

If the situation gets off hand, Singapore, the forefront of business and shipping success in the region will face eyebrows, particularly as the Straits of Malacca will become vulnerable… China will be greatly affected and whatever the projections for the new Silk Road… things will become crucial for China’s exports.

In Aden  and the region including Aden’s dire straits, the situation is also crucial and critical…

In South America now; in Brazil, president Michel Temer’s legal team feel confident that he will be acquitted by the Supreme Court there… we shall see.

Just before ending our daily report we just learned of an explosion in Manchester and we will revert tomorrow when we know what was the cause.

Have a nice evening and as always be on guard for any eventuality from Pirates and Terrorists…

Uploaded 14:08 BST

Updated 23:10 BST

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