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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies Bureau Veritas’ 27th Hellenic Marine Technical Committee meeting

Bureau Veritas’ 27th Hellenic Marine Technical Committee meeting

by admin

l to r: Nikos Argyros (Laskaridis Shipping Co Ltd),  Bill Stamatopoulos (Inspectorate Hellas), Michael Sterghiou (Inspectorate Hellas),  and George Andreadis.

The 27th Marine Technical Committee Meeting of  Bureau Veritas Piraeus,  took place on May 23rd 2017 and hosted by  George Andreadis, Marine Manager of  Bureau Veritas Piraeus and Secretary of the Committee at the Yacht Club of Greece, in Microlimano.

The occasion opened as always with socializing between the attendees as the development in the shipping world is quick and abiding and it was a great opportunity to exchange their views.

The meeting started with the introduction of four new members by the Committee’s Chairman  George Sarris, President of Enterprises Shipping & Trading S.A., subsequently George Andreadis welcomed all the members.

l to r: Dimitris Dimitropoulos, Paillette Palaiologou,  George Sarris (Enterprises Shipping & Trading S.A ), George Andreadis and Dr. John Kokarakis.

Paillette Palaiologou, Vice President Regional Chief Executive of Hellenic & Black Sea, made a presentation entitled BV M&O New Organization, where she gave a wide delineation of the new structure of  Bureau Veritas as well as the growth of the Hellenic fleet and the new construction vessels under Bureau Veritas supervision.

In continuation Dr. Kokarakis, Vice President Technology & Business Development of Hellenic, Black Sea Region & Middle East Zone, got the word. His presentation focused on ways to comply with the global sulphur cap in January 1st 2020.Thee road paths were described to achieve that namely utilization of distillate fuels, the installation of scrubbers or the use of alternative fuels. All options are governed by uncertainties and the presenter outlined ways that Bureau Veritas can assist towards implementation of this “hot” regulation.

George Kavounis (Sea Traders S.A) with Paillette Palaiologou

Bill Stamatopoulos, Verifuel Business Development Manager SE Europe Bureau Veritas made a presentation with the title “Quality issues associated with marine fuels and the way forward”, about the “good” fuel quality , the function of refineries and also the new technique that several ECA countries are working on , the remote sensing.

Michael Sterghiou, Director of Bureau Veritas Commodities, took the podium and presented the three calibration methods for ships tanks and the advantages of laser scanning.

Finally Najmeh Masoudi, Cyber Safety & Security Manager in Bureau Veritas France, made a presentation with the title “smart ship” introducing risks and challenges in relation to cyber security, cyber safety and cyber performance.

George Kavounis, George Alexandridis (Dynacom Tankers Management Ltd), Dimitris Psaradakis (Tsakos Shipping & Trading S.A), Vagelis Trikkas (Avin International S.A),  Michael Androulakakis (Avin International S.A),  Paul Labrinakos (Technomar Shipping Inc.),  Nikos Argyros, Vassilis Dimitropoulos (Bureau Veritas), George Nassos (Common Progress Co. NA. S.A) and Michael Sterghiou (Inspectorate Hellas).

The meeting was completed successfully and the discussion continued during the traditional dinner, a great opportunity to tight and expand the relations between the participants.

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