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Sea Dredging Maintenance Project
Friday, June 16, 2017, Philadelphia, United States
The Coast Guard is establishing three safety zones to facilitate the Philadelphia to Sea Dredging Maintenance Project which will be conducting dredging in the Delaware River from June 17, 2017 through September 1, 2017.

During this time, the dredge ILLINOIS will begin dredging in Marcus Hook Range, followed by Deepwater Point Range, and finish dredging in New Castle Range.

Safety zone one includes all the waters within a 150 yard radius of the dredge ILLINOIS and all related dredge equipment. Vessels are advised to ensure safe passage by contacting the dredge ILLINOIS 1 hour, as well as 30 minutes, prior to arrival. This safety zone will be in place for the duration of the dredging project.

Safety zone two includes all the waters of Pea Patch Island Anchorage No. 5 found in 33 CFR 110.157 (a) (6), where submerged pipeline will be located causing a hazard to anchoring vessels.  Safety zone two will be in place only during the time the dredge ILLINOIS is conducting dredging operations in New Castle Range. Notice of implementation and termination of this safety zone will be made via separate Marine Safety Information Bulletin, Broadcast Notice to Mariners, and Local Notice to Mariners.

Safety zone three includes all the waters of Marcus Hook Anchorage No. 7 found in 33 CFR 110.157 (a) (8). Safety zone three will be in place only during the time the dredge ILLINOIS is conducting dredging operations in Marcus Hook Range. Pipe laying operations will begin June 17, 2017 and dredging will commence on June 20, 2017. Vessel requesting to transit Marcus Hook Range shall contact the dredge ILLINOIS on VHF FM Channel 13 or 16, at 1 hour, as well as 30 minutes, prior to arrival. Vessel shall use the Marcus Hook Anchorage to transit around the dredge project, while operating at the minimum safe speed necessary to maintain steerage and reduce wake. The dredge ILLINOIS will begin dredging at the southern end of Marcus Hook Range and work their way to the northern end of the range. Entry into, transiting, or anchoring within the safety zone is prohibited unless vessels obtain permission from the Captain of the Port or make satisfactory passing arrangements with the dredge ILLINOIS per this rule and the Rules of the Road (33 C.F.R. Subchapter E).

Vessels desiring to anchor within Marcus Hook anchorage during the enforcement of safety zone three must obtain permission from the Captain of the Port at least 24 hours in advance, at (215) 271-4807. The COTP will permit one vessel at a time in Marcus Hook Anchorage on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Normally, this is a 48 hour anchorage; however, vessels will not be permitted to occupy the anchorage beyond 12 hours during this time. Vessels that require an examination by the Public Health Service, Customs, or Immigration authorities will be directed to an anchorage for the required inspection by the COTP. Vessels are encouraged to use Mantua Creek Anchorage (anchorage #9), Naval Base, Philadelphia Anchorage (anchorage #10), and Deepwater Point Anchorage (anchorage #6) as alternatives.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source:  U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Delaware Bay, Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) No.16-17

Increase in arrivals and demand for booking slots
Friday, June 16, 2017, Panama Canal, Panama
There has been a steep increase in Panama Canal ship arrivals expected in the next few days and growing demand for booking slots.

As a result of confirmed locks and culvert outages, and in accordance with the rules governing the Transit Reservation System, Condition 1.a for the Panamax locks will be in effect from Tuesday, June 20, until Friday, June 30. Condition 1.a reduces amount of booking slots for Supers (91′ in beam and over up to 107′) to 13 and for Regulars (under 91′ in beam) to 6 slots. The third period competition would open with only 3 slots for Supers and 2 slots for Regulars per day for the period 20-30 June.

For information about operations in the Panama Canal contact GAC-Wilford & McKay at gac-wilfordmckay.panama@gac.com

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