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Kiel Canal, Germany
Port Everglades, United States
Houston/Galveston, United States
Canal locks closed
Wednesday, September 13, 2017, Kiel Canal, Germany
All locks at Brunsbuettel have been closed due to very stormy weather and high water conditions.

(For information about operations in Germany contact the GAC UK Hub at hub.gb@gac.com)

Source: Sartori & Berger, Germany – GAC agent

Return to normal port conditions after Hurricane Irma
Wednesday, September 13, 2017, Port Everglades, United States
The Captain of the Port (COTP) has determined that Port Everglades is safe for marine traffic and is downgrading their Port Conditions and returning to seasonal watch preparedness …

…This applies to Port Everglades only. All other ports will maintain Port Condition Zulu until modified by the Captain of the Port via subsequent MSIBs…

(For information about operations in the United States contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Miami, Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) 17-019, Hurricane Irma, issued at 8pm on September 12, 2017

Post-Harvey port status update (13 September)
Wednesday, September 13, 2017, Houston/Galveston, United States
Galveston Bay Entrance Channel, Outer Bar Channel, Inner Bar Channel and Bolivar Roads Channel are all open 24/7, as are Galveston Harbor and Texas City. Bolivar Roads Anchorages are open 24/7 for short duration use for bunkering, inspections and other husbandry.

The Houston Ship Channel is open 24/7 with draft and other restrictions:
– Entrance Channel to Baytown Highlines – maximum 42′;
– Baytown Highlines to Shell – maximum 41′;
– Shell to Houston Cement West – maximum 40′;
– Houston Cement West to Sidney Sherman Bridge – maximum 36′

The Houston Ship Channel above the Sidney Sherman Bridge is open daylight only to one-way traffic for all vessels as limited by 90′ beam/33′ draft with prior coordination between Houston Pilots Association and VTS Houston/Galveston, and 24/7 for single tows as coordinated with VTS and the diving supervisor on SW Shipyard drydock salvage project.

A contract is in place for the recovery of ten objects in the Houston Ship Channel. The first priority is the one located across the Channel from Enterprise Terminal and the second priority is the one by ExxonMobil and Bosco. The debris removal team will not be in the area until this weekend at the earliest. There are a few obstructions in the Buffalo Bayou Turning Basin for which the pilots have determined a plan. The Intracoastal Waterway Open 24/7 High Island to but not through the Colorado River locks.

The Port of Freeport is open 24/7 to maximum 38′ draft.

For information about operations in the United States contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

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