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Queensland, Australia

Lower Mississippi River, United States
Tropical Cyclone Linda
Tuesday, March 13, 2018, Queensland, Australia

Category 1 Tropical Cyclone Linda has formed in the Coral Sea and is expected to continue to move southwest towards the Queensland coast for the next 24 hours, before turning south and ultimately southeast away from the coast again. Tomorrow (Wednesday, 14 March), Linda is expected to transition into an intense subtropical low.

At its closest approach to the coast, the remains of tropical cyclone will generate large waves and dangerous surf conditions about exposed southern Queensland beaches. Tides are also expected to be higher than normal, particularly on Thursday morning’s (15 March) high tide. A severe weather warning is current for these conditions.

Hay Point/Abbot Point
A trough lies over Torres Strait and will remain slow moving during today (13 March). A high pressure system in the Tasman Sea extends a ridge and a fresh southeasterly wind flow into Queensland waters to the south of the trough. The ridge should gradually relax during the next few days as the high weakens. A tropical low lies over the northeastern Coral Sea and will most likely move south-southwestwards during today and Wednesday, strengthening winds over Mackay waters late today into Wednesday. However, there is some uncertainty associated with the movement and intensity of this system.

At this time there is no major impact expected for the port of Gladstone. All port operations are expected to continue as per normal until further notice.

No major impact expected for the port of Brisbane. All port operations are expected to continue as per normal until further notice.

Details of Tropical Cyclone Linda at 4:00 pm AEST:
– Intensity: Category 1, sustained winds near the centre of 65 km per hour with wind gusts to 95 km per hour.
– Location: within 75 km of 19.3 deg. South, 159.5 deg. East , 880 km northeast of Sandy Cape and 1100 km east of Mackay.
– Movement: South southwest at 32 km per hour.

For information about operations at Australia ports contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

VTS measure in effect
Tuesday, March 13, 2018, Lower Mississippi River, United States

Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River (VTS LMR) will establish a VTS Measure for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River from Mile Marker (MM) 89 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to MM95 AHP. This measure is needed to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the salvage of a sunken vessel at MM 90.4 AHP.

The measure is in effect with the following provisions:

1) New Orleans General Anchorage (MM 90.1-90.0 AHP Right Descending Bank) is closed. Vessels shall not enter or depart this anchorage without permission from VTS LMR.

2) Ocean-going deep draft vessels are restricted one-way traffic, no meeting or overtaking, between MM 89 and 95 AHP. Down-bound transits only during daylight hours (0600-1800) and up-bound transits at night (1800-0600).

3) Tows shall not meet or overtake between MM 89-90.5 AHP.

4) All vessels shall transit MM 89-90.5 AHP at minimum safe speed and favor the left descending bank.

(For information about operations in the United States contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Sector New Orleans, Maritime Safety Information Bulletin dated 12 March 2018

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