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Home NewsConferences, Seminars, Forums Geopolitical Developments: Risks and Opportunities at the Piraeus Marine Club

Geopolitical Developments: Risks and Opportunities at the Piraeus Marine Club

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Champagne toast from the President of Piraeus Marine Club Ms. Irene S. Daifas at the beginning of the event

The Piraeus Marine Club Enhances Its Role as a Center for Regional Intelligence for its Membership

On Monday April 23rd, 2017 the Piraeus Marine Club featured a talk as a part of its series of Working Luncheons highlighting key current events issues entitled Geopolitical Developments: Risks and Opportunities and bringing together two highly regarded experts for an exclusive connection with Piraeus Club members.


The President of Piraeus Marine Club Ms. Irene S. Daifas rewards the speaker Dr. Thanos Dokos

Thanos Dokos, Doctor of International and Strategic Studies of Cambridge University and General Manager ELIAMEP spoke on and analyzed the very critical issues on the tension in the Aegean and the Greek–Turkish relations’ prospects.

George Pagoulatos, Professor of European Politics and Economy at the Athens University of Economics & Business, and Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges, enlightened the audience for the challenges and prospects of the European Union and the position of Greece within that context.

Ms. Irene S. Daifas rewards the speaker Dr. George Pagoulatos

Dr. Dokos emphasized the higher degree of conflict rising between Greece and Turkey, and the critical challenges for Greek foreign policy: the Aegean, Cyprus, FYROM, and Albania.

Mr. Pagoulatos updated the attending Members on the changing scene and for Greece’s economical chances in the new era.

The members had the opportunity to raise questions and delve deeper into the topics while the two distinguished speakers provoked an engaging discussion.

A view of the working luncheon at “Stamatios Macias Restis” Hall on the 9th floor of Piraeus Marine Club

The next Working Luncheon will take place on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 with honoured guest, His Excellency U.S. Ambassador to Greece Mr. Geoffrey R. Pyatt; will keep you posted for the subject and other details.

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