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Home Associations Hellenic American Maritime Forum announced

Hellenic American Maritime Forum announced

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Hellenic American Maritime Forum Founders: Carleen Lyden Walker of SHIPPINGInsight and Apostolos Belokas of SAFETY4SEA

Hellenic American Maritime Forum Announced

SAFETY4SEA and SHIPPINGInsight Partner to Bring Titans Together

ATHENS, March 4, 2019- Apostolos Belokas of SAFETY4SEA and SHIPPINGInsight’s Carleen Lyden Walker announced today they are partnering to produce the premier Hellenic American Maritime Forum to be held May 28-30th in Athens with HudsonAnalytix as the headline partner.  This event brings together the strength of the Greek shipowning and managing community with the commercial heft of the American market.  It is a unique event bringing together the Hellenic American Maritime stakeholders to discuss, network and exchange views and ideas towards a safe, smart, green, optimized, innovative and sustainable shipping industry.

“Our industry is going through a profound and perplexing period of change as it navigates to the future” stated Carleen.  “It is being asked to provide a seamless transportation system that is safe, green and smart and to achieve sustainability, it needs to be innovative and optimized. This is why SAFETY4SEA and SHIPPINGInsight have collaborated to produce the Hellenic American Maritime Forum: to provide an environment where shipowners and managers can voice their concerns and needs while finding solutions and collaborations. What better way than to align the world’s greatest shipping nation with the commercial heft of the Americas?  We are further pleased that American-based HudsonAnalytix has already signed on as our headline partner, emphasizing the importance of this initiative to the marine industry.”

“There has never been such a period in shipping’s history during which so much change is occurring,” observed HudsonAnalytix’ CEO Cynthia Hudson.  “This event is bringing together the powerhouses of the maritime industry, and we need to be in the middle of it!”

The three-day event will kick off on Tuesday, May 28th at the Yacht Club of Greece in Piraeus with the Hellenic American Maritime Awards, featuring recognition in nine categories.  On Wednesday, May 29th, the conference will commence at the Megaron in Athens with a high-level perspective on the issues plaguing industry today, and what the shipowner’s perspective is on all fronts.  The final day will include a comprehensive overview of current thinking on compliance, preparedness, and risk mitigation with a culmination of ideas for navigating the future.

“We will be addressing the critical issues facing the maritime industry today,” stated Apostolos Belokas, founder and CEO of SAFETY4SEA. “Bringing together Greek shipping prowess with American innovation and commercial acumen will result in a realistic, pragmatic approach to change.  We look forward to new and practical ideas being offered and debated within this Forum.”

For information on partnerships, registration and more go to www.HellenicAmericanMaritimeForum.com.

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