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Hot Port News from GAC

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Panama Canal, Panama

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Houston, United States

Mississippi River, United States

Steering light controls requirements (clarification)
Thursday, March 28, 2019, Panama Canal, Panama

The Panama Canal has recently received requests for clarification concerning paragraph (3) of the requirements for Steering Lights contained in Section 4(i) of NT Notice to Shipping N-1-2019, “Vessel Requirements,” which reads as follows:

“(3) The light required shall be capable of being illuminated and extinguished by a suitable rheostat or control switch located either on the navigation bridge or forecastle deck, or both.”

In order to clarify paragraph (3), the control or rheostat switch for the steering light shall be capable of turning the light on or off, and shall also have dimming capabilities in order to adjust the intensity of the light to different backgrounds or atmospheric conditions.

(For information about operations in the Panama Canal contact GAC Panama at alexei.oduber@gac.com)

Source: Panama Canal Authority Advisory To Shipping No.A-09-2019 dated 25 March 2019

Inspection of Eastern Harbour Crossing, Cha Kwo Ling
Thursday, March 28, 2019, Hong Kong

For approximately one month, underwater CCTV inspection works for the cathodic protection system of the Eastern Harbour Crossing [are being] carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D) and the adjacent shoreline:
(A) 22 deg. 17.905’N / 114 deg. 13.776’E
(B) 22 deg. 17.894’N / 114 deg. 13.753’E
(C) 22 deg. 17.919’N / 114 deg. 13.738’E
(D) 22 deg. 17.922’N / 114 deg. 13.746’E

The works [are being] carried out by a work boat. A working area of approximately 10 metres around the work boat is established.

The hours of work are from 0900 to 1700 hours. Vessel employed for the works do not stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

Diving operations [are being] carried out from time to time during the hours of work.

Vessel engaged in the operations display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep clear of the works area at slow speed, bearing in mind there are divers working in the works area.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.52 of 2019

Seawall Reinstatement Works at Siu A Chau, Soko Islands
Thursday, March 28, 2019, Hong Kong

For approximately 6 months, seawall reinstatement works [are being] carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D) and the adjacent shoreline:
(A) 22 deg. 10.811’N / 113 deg. 55.009’E
(B) 22 deg. 10.796’N / 113 deg. 55.061’E
(C) 22 deg. 10.736’N / 113 deg. 55.038’E
(D) 22 deg. 10.750’N / 113 deg. 54.995’E

The works [are being] carried out by a derrick lighter. One tugboat will provide assistance.

A working area of approximately 15 metres around the derrick lighter is established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights are laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the derrick lighter.

The hours of work are from 0700 to 1900 hours. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels employed for the works will stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

A silt curtain fitted with yellow flashing lights will be established within the works area. The silt curtain is a large piece of netting used to contain mud and sediments.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.53 of 2019

Seawall reinstatement works at Shek Pik, Lantau Island
Thursday, March 28, 2019, Hong Kong

For approximately 6 months, seawall reinstatement works [are being] carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D) and the adjacent shoreline:
(A) 22 deg. 13.291’N / 113 deg. 53.741’E
(B) 22 deg. 13.287’N / 113 deg. 53.609’E
(C) 22 deg. 13.331’N / 113 deg. 53.617’E
(D) 22 deg. 13.332’N / 113 deg. 53.642’E

The works [are being] carried out by two derrick lighters. Two tugboats provide assistance.

A working area of approximately 15 metres around each derrick lighter is established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights are laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the derrick lighters.

The hours of work are from 0700 to 1900 hours. No works are carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels employed for the works stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

A silt curtain fitted with yellow flashing lights is established within the works area. The silt curtain is a large piece of netting used to contain mud and sediments.

Vessels engaged in the operations display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.54 of 2019

Port Authority launches OnTrack
Thursday, March 28, 2019, Rotterdam, Netherlands

To make rail transport to the hinterland even more efficient, the Port of Rotterdam Authority recently developed a new application called OnTrack. This device offers real-time insight into rail freight flows within the Port of Rotterdam and the handling thereof at the terminals.

OnTrack meets the needs of the terminals and carriers. This tool will raise efficiency of their planning process and anticipate schedule deviations more effectively.

To further optimise transport of cargo by rail between the Port of Rotterdam and the hinterland, the relevant market parties need more insight into the planning and status information of rail freight flows and the handling thereof at the terminals. At present, most terminals use their own planning system and standards for rail transport and most of the relevant information is exchanged by telephone or email. The new OnTrack application combines data of the various parties in the rail chain and enriches it with smart business algorithms…

…OnTrack is an excellent example of the Port Authority’s implementation of new, digital solutions to streamline processes in the port area, contributing to Rotterdam’s ambition to establish itself as the world’s smartest port…

(For information about operations in Rotterdam contact GAC Netherlands at agency.netherlands@gac.com)

Source: Extract from Port of Rotterdam news dated 28 March 2019

Decontamination sites after chemical fire
Thursday, March 28, 2019, Houston, United States

The US Coast Guard Sector Waterways Management office issued Marine Safety Information Bulletin 09-19 yesterday evening (27 March) to inform vessel traffic of decontamination sites as a result of the chemical fire at ITC Deer Park in the Upper Houston Ship Channel (HSC).

The U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) has opened two-way traffic between Houston Ship Channel Light 116 and Tucker’s Bayou during daylight hours only, managed by Vessel Traffic Service. All tows transiting the contaminated zone will be required to maintain a 30 minute spacing and will proceed at a slow bell. Carpenter’s Bayou and Old River remain closed until further notice.

To mitigate the potential spread of contaminated water throughout the port, vessel decontamination sites have been identified. All vessels will be inspected for contamination prior to their departure of the contaminated area.

The location of the decontamination sites are as follows: ITC Pasadena Dock 3; Shell Lay Berth; Southwest Shipyard, Channelview; Lynchburg Ferry Terminal (mobile team); Barbours Cut Lash Dock.

If at any time a safety risk to operations becomes evident, the Captain of the Port will take action to ensure safety for port operations and mariners on the waterways. Facilities and employees should continue to follow any direction provided by the county officials.

All movements through the impacted area will cease at sunset.

Ships through the spill area are limited to one-way traffic, but tows are moving two-way. There is still significant spillage in Jacinto Port, Carpenters Bayou and Old River. Vacuum trucks and skimmers diligently worked those areas yesterday, and that is a priority again today. Those areas remain boomed and all vessel traffic from/to those areas is currently restricted.

For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at usa@gac.com

River closure
Thursday, March 28, 2019, Mississippi River, United States

The U.S. Coast Guard has advised that due to a sunken barge in the channel in the vicinity of MM 148.5 AHP, the Mississippi River is closed to all traffic from MM 147 to 150 AHP until further notice.

For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at usa@gac.com

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