Delaware, Maryland & Virginia coastal waterways, United States
Corpus Christi, United States
Tariff updates for Australian ports
Friday, June 14, 2019, Australia
Several Australian ports have published revised schedules of port charges, that will take effect from 1 July 2019.
Darwin Port
Darwin Port will increase fees, with the exception of Port Induction Fees, by 2%. The Tariff Schedule for 2019-2020 has been published on www.darwinport.com.au.
Darwin Port has also reviewed the Port Induction and Port Entry Pass issuing and renewable process. Port Entry Pass holders will be required to renew their pass every two years instead of annually. The tariff has been adjusted to $75 for a 2-year Port Entry Pass. The charge to replace a card has not changed.
Ports of Ashburton, Dampier and Hedland
The Pilbara Ports Authority has published the revised schedules of port charges on https://www.pilbaraports.com.au/
Port of Gladstone, Port Alma Shipping Terminal and the Port of Bundaberg
Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) has published the revised schedule of port charges on http://www.gpcl.com.au/operations/port-charges
GPC has also advised the Security and Safety Watch charges for Port Alma Shipping Terminal. Below rates are valid till 30 June 2020 and are GST exclusive.
Monday to Friday – $82.11 / hour
Saturday – $89.46 / hour
Sunday – $114.73 / hour
Public Holidays – $139.65 / hour
Cancellation Fee – $328.45
The hourly rate is charged for each of the Security Watch and the Safety Watch hours provided.
Safety Watch is generally charged to the Shipper and is charged whilst the hatches are open and handling cargo. Security Watch is charged to the Agent of the vessel for the duration of the vessel’s stay.
Port Kembla
Linesmen / launch services
(Rates based on vessels’ LOA)
Up to 120m – $2200
120m-180m – $3000
180m-215m – $3600
215m-252m – $4900
Above 252m – $5700
Above rates include arrival and departure for linesmen and arrival only for launches.
Shift Ship
Berth to berth – Above rates apply
Under berth length – 50% of above rates apply
Launch only services
Vessel arrival or departure – $700 per service
Standby rate – $200 per hour (min. 4 hours)
All rates are excluding GST. Detention rates apply after 2 hours from ordered time, applicable rate is $200 per hour. Cancellation charges apply where a booking is cancelled within 2 hours of ordered time, applicable rate is 50% of scheduled service fee.
For information about operations at Australian ports, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com
Offshore rocket launch and potential affect on marine traffic
Friday, June 14, 2019, Delaware, Maryland & Virginia coastal waterways, United States
NASA has advised that a scientific rocket is set to launch from Wallops Flight Facility in Virgina. Planned impact of a large scientific payload and booster stages into the ocean est of the Washington Canyon, will create a potentially hazardous area for marine traffic between the hours of 05:00 and 09:00 on 20, 21 and 22 June. The hazard area will be actively patrolled and any vessel near this area will be directed to alter course or stop.
For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at usa@gac.com
One-way traffic disruption
Friday, June 14, 2019, Corpus Christi, United States
Signet Maritime has requested the following one-way disruptions:
Monday 24 June 2019 to accommodate the safe INBOUND transit of barge H-591 with dimensions 590’x150′ to Kiewit.
Tuesday 02 July 2019 to accommodate the safe INBOUND transit of barge H-407 with dimensions 400’x120′ to Kiewit.
Sunday 07 July 2019 to accommodate the safe OUTBOUND transit of H-627 from Kiewit.
Tuesday 16 July 2019 to accommodate the safe OUTBOUND transit of H-591 from Kiewit.
Saturday 20 July to accommodate the safe OUTBOUND transit of H-407 from Kiewit.
For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at usa@gac.com