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Home News Diversity Study Group – Diversity in Shipping study

Diversity Study Group – Diversity in Shipping study

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Heidi Heseltine, Co-Founder of the Diversity Study Group

Diversity Study Group – Diversity in Shipping study

The first ever survey and study to explore levels of diversity and inclusion across the shipping industry has been announced by the newly-formed Diversity Study Group.  
 The Diversity Study Group (DSG) is the first organisation dedicated to championing diversity and inclusion in all forms in shipping, including gender, ethnicity, age and regional differentiation. DSG also aims to become the leading resource and centre of excellence for diversity and inclusion for the shipping and energy industries. The survey and study conducted by DSG will have the support and participation of a number of leading companies. Founder members of the Diversity Study Group include Ardmore Shipping and Peninsula Petroleum.
 Speaking ahead of the launch of the survey, Heidi Heseltine, Co-Founder of the Diversity Study Group, commented:
“We believe passionately in the need for greater diversity, inclusion and equality in the workplace. Companies that draw upon the full range of talents available to them by embracing diverse, inclusive workplaces are shown to outperform their peers and shipping is no different to this. Our goal is to not only provide a regular barometer of where diversity in shipping stands, but also to champion diversity and to provide expert support and resources to our member organisations.
 “Armed with robust data and insights into diversity across a range of criteria, we can then benchmark progress and advise on the right actions to drive meaningful change. And while we applaud the steps taken to put gender equality on the agenda, including the IMO’s recent ‘I am onboard’ campaign, we need to look at a wide range of measures of diversity and inclusion to help provide a far fuller picture that we have ever had before.”
Membership of DSG is open to all organisations in the shipping and energy sectors.  The benefits of membership include access to a confidential interactive web-based business intelligence platform for equality, diversity and inclusion assessment, benchmarking, reporting and strategy development.  This platform will allow members to measure progress against industry standards, as well as supporting improvements in their own policies and practices.
The Diversity Study Group is a joint initiative founded by Heidi Heseltine, CEO of Halcyon Recruitment, and Mark Williams, MD of Shipping Strategy, both long-term advocates for supporting greater diversity and inclusion in the industry. The 2019 study will be conducted through the autumn, with the results unveiled at DSG’s inaugural seminar in November.
 The deadline for participation in this year’s study is 25 September 2019.  Companies signing up as members by 31 July can benefit from discounted membership rates


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