Bognor Regis to get a BinForGreenSeas to help change the mindset of beach litterers.
The West Sussex resort town of Bognor Regis is to receive an eye-catching BinForGreenSeas to highlight the consequences of litter on marine life.
Created by the GreenSeas Trust, the 1.5 metre high bin is a bold and unmissable reminder to beach visitors of the terrible damage rubbish is doing to our oceans.
The fibreglass structure of the BinForGreenSeas is made using 450 recycled PET bottles. Graphics and text on the bin illustrate how plastics hurt both marine life and infiltrate our food chain.
A former Merchant Navy officer and founder trustee of the GreenSeas Trust, Fazilette Khan knows first-hand how marine litter has impacted our seas and coastal areas.
Khan says, “Once any form of plastics reaches the water, it is a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. The BinForGreenSeas works at a subconscious level. It helps people to connect the dots on how irresponsible littering effects everyone’s life; environmentally, aesthetically and in terms of their health.”
The first BinForGreenSeas unveiled on Blackpool Promenade, has been a huge success.
Each year in the UK alone, 7.7 billion plastic water bottles are used – and every day 700,000 plastic bottles are discarded as litter.
Arun District Council Chairman Jeanette Warr, will unveil the BinForGreenSeas on the 9th of October at 1100 at the Esplanade, Bognor Regis PO21 1NY, next to the Foreshore Office.