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Home Banking GLOBAL & REGIONAL DAILY (Tuesday 16 February, 2021)

GLOBAL & REGIONAL DAILY (Tuesday 16 February, 2021)

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GLOBAL & REGIONAL DAILY (Tuesday 16 February, 2021)




February 16 2021

Global Markets

The rally in global equity markets continues on the back of persistent optimism for a rapid global economic recovery amid successful Covid-19 vaccine rollouts and a new US fiscal stimulus package. In FX markets, the GBP was an outperformer among major currencies amid expectations for looser restrictions as the UK government’s first vaccination milestone has been reached.


According to ELSTAT, the consumer price index (CPI) in Jan-21 compared with Jan-20, decreased by 2.0%, while in Jan-20, the annual rate of change of the CPI was 0.9%. The average CPI for the 12-month period from Feb-20 to Jan-21, compared with the corresponding figure for the period Feb-19 to Jan-20 decreased by 1.5%.


The Bulgarian government issued BGN300mn of 10-year domestic government securities yesterday. Investors’ interest was high, as the total value of the bids reached at BGN555.7mn resulting in an oversubscription above 185% while the annual interest rate was set at 0.10%.

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