Nordic Marine Insurance is growing

Stockholm, 17 January – Nordic Marine Insurance is happy to announce that Jan Limnell is joining Nordic Marine Insurance as Deputy Managing Director and Underwriting Director.
Jan Limnell has a wide experience in shipping and marine insurance and has been with the Finnish insurance company Alandia for almost 30 years. He is highly respected and a recognised expert in the industry. Jan has also been involved in international cooperation within marine insurance for many years and has been chairman for Cefor, vice chairman of IUMIs Hull committee and a member of the Insurance Sweden’s Maritime Committee.
Mark Mathews, Head of Product Development at West and responsible for Nordic, said: “Nordic has a market-leading reputation among shipowners and charterers for their reliability and quality of its offering and Jan’s appointment will build on this strong foundation, and will add even more experience to Nordic’s dedicated team.”
Jan Limnell adds that he is looking forward to joining such an experienced, dedicated team and to work closer to the market.
Jan will join Nordic Marine Insurance in May.