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Home EnvironmentClimate Draghi puts presidency plans on hold; we need a World Climate Organisation

Draghi puts presidency plans on hold; we need a World Climate Organisation

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Draghi puts presidency plans on hold; we need a World Climate Organisation

Tuesday 1 February 2022 Vol.13 Ed.5.2

Commentary: Draghi remains prime minister, but change is coming

By Holger Schmieding in London

Italy has decided: Sergio Mattarella stays on as president, Mario Draghi remains prime minister. Mattarella, at 80, had not sought a second term and only agreed to continue after the electoral college failed to find a majority for any other candidate. Draghi, 74, has had to postpone his ambition to secure the seven-year stint as president. But he still has a good opportunity to get Italy on the right track.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Commentary: Move over WHO, it’s time for a WCO

By Rahool Pai Panandiker and Urjit Patel

There is no multilateral body or institution that is the owner of the planet’s climate health. There are precedents, however. The World Health Organization was created to promote the attainment of health for everyone with the recognition that universal good health is fundamental to a peaceful planet. It is time to establish a new institution that centralises and coordinates our efforts towards climate health, namely: the World Climate Organisation.

Read the full commentary on the website.

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