Tokyo – Leading Classification Society ClassNK has issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) to GTT’s technical solution fitted with Mark III membrane tank.
The design developed by GTT is an upgrade of the Mark III system with a design pressure up to 2 bar gauge (barg) for LNG fuel applications. The company describes that the 2 barg upgrade is particularly useful for PCTCs and cruise ships, and offers improved pressure holding capabilities and operational flexibility in particular during bunkering operations.
ClassNK carried out the verification according to its Rule Part GF incorporating IGF Code, especially on maximum tank dimensions, tank structural reinforcements, tank operating pressure during in service operations as well as aspects related to potential emergency situations. Upon satisfactory completion of the review, ClassNK has issued the AiP accordingly.
Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, said:
“We are pleased to be granted with this approval by ClassNK with whom GTT has had a close partnership for years. This AiP demonstrates that our solutions are constantly evolving, in order to meet the industry requirements. Today, GTT membrane solutions are applicable to more and more LNG-fuelled vessel types, such as LNG-fuelled PCTCs and cruise ships.”
Hayato Suga, Executive Vice President, Director of Plan Approval and Technical Solution Division of ClassNK, said:
“In view of the increasing role of LNG as fuel to shipping decarbonization, the industry expects more options to implement the technology onboard. ClassNK is glad to have completed the safety evaluation on GTT’s new design, which has been developed responding to the industry needs. I hope that the AiP will encourage the uptake of evolving technology.”