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Home HRAcademia Greece’s Adopt-a-Ship programme attracts 7,500 students at 64 schools

Greece’s Adopt-a-Ship programme attracts 7,500 students at 64 schools

by admin
…from the teachers meeting Nov 23 2022.

The PROJECT CONNECT team had the pleasure of bringing together the participating teachers and shipping companies, as well as individual members, on Wednesday, November 23rd, to discuss the progress and development of “Adopt a Ship.” 75 teachers from Greek primary, secondary, and vocational schools (EPAL) nationwide participated in the virtual Zoom meeting.

The course of seamanship is now being routed through our schools!

 Notable conclusions and results:

1) The programme has attracted significant attention all over Greece. The teachers themselves have strongly embraced it, showing endless care and support. It was noted that programme would have better expanded if more school principals had promoted it.

2) Since the beginning of the school year, 122 classes from 64 schools from all educational levels as well as 89 vessels from 40 shipping companies have joined the programme.

3) So far, 7,500 children have participated in and benefited from “Adopt a Ship.” The importance of seamanship and maritime economy is finally getting wider recognition while according to a recent survey, 85% of the participating students expressed their desire to join the maritime industry.

4) The majority of teachers showed great enthusiasm for the “1st Virtual 3D Shipping Company Tour” which constitutes the first digital shipping office offering students the opportunity to get a first taste of working in a real-life shipping company.

5) It was noted that students can now visit vessels’ bridge simulators for a live experience, thanks to Metropolitan College and Minerva Marine.

6) Maritime vocational school students are now given the privilege to register -free of charge- on PROJECT CONNECT ONLINE CV PLATFORM which will enhance their opportunities of being selected by shipping companies for office visit, internship and future work experience.

7) “Adopt a Ship” has won the 1st School Project Award in the Panhellenic Competition of the Women’s Literary Society, an initiative of Ms Mousiou-Mylona, a teacher at the 6th primary school in Florina.

8) The programme was presented as an educational scenario at the 8th Educational Innovation Conference by Ms Melli, a teacher at the 8th primary school in Volos.

9) Educators from vocational schools spoke about their experience during their service on vessels and with shipping companies participating in the scheme. In particular, teachers from EPAL of Andros emphasised: “We have been waiting too long for such an initiative in Greece, which is to bring shipping students closer to the reality of involvement with the vessel.”

10) Ms Margeti, a teacher at Geitonas School, created the “Little Nautilus”, a high school students’ group participating in the programme, aiming to familiarise them with the world of maritime and the sea which are inextricably connected with the present and the future life of Greece.

Next meeting has been set for the virtual celebration “JUMP START THE NEW YEAR WITH POSITIVITY 2023” where an even larger participation is anticipated!

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