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Home HRAnniversaries Celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women

Celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women

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The scene becomes clearer

by Aphrodite Stoupa

Every day is a Woman’s day but the 8th of March is celebrated worldwide as International Women’s day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The story we’re accustomed to hearing about the past was that the presence of men is taken as a given, and the presence of women is exceptional. Throughout all these years ordinary women have proven exactly the opposite in many sectors

Women like Ada Lovelace, who wrote the first computer program, Emma Goldman, who spoke out about social justice, anarchism, women’s rights and labor reform and so many other women.

So regardless of what our cultural narratives tell us, women as leaders, heroes and rebels isn’t unrealistic—either now or throughout history.

Another striking example are the women in the maritime industry mainly a male dominated defined world. A lot of women have stepped up and showed their determination within this sector despite the difficulties they have encountered.

Now, it is beyond doubt that women’s empowerment is a reality. The long-held notion of the weaker sex is now broken and with an edge of emotional intelligence, equal if not superior ambitions, and of course the strength they are walking shoulder to shoulder with a male counterpart. The world is now prepared to accept women in positions that go far beyond the traditional ones of mother, housewife, and cook. With an anatomical gift of evolutionary survival chain, women are ready to play much bigger roles. They are making their presence felt more emphatically to prove their better candidature for all possible challenging roles.

Change is happening and happening at the fast pace but the universality of empowerment is still a far cry. In several societies equality is still either forbidden or just on paper. It might take another decade or so to make it a success but it has been a nice journey so far.

Let’s focus on co-creation instead of competition and may the marvelous feminine energy cover our world with its warmth and greatness!

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