Global finance forum Wednesday 5 July, Symposium
With the 30th anniversary of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority comes an opportunity for the region to reconfirm its credentials as a crucial global financial centre. Leading asset owners, investment managers, policy-makers and other financial services providers will join speakers from the official sector to learn about latest developments and the potential to do business in and via Hong Kong.
The future direction of financial stability, economic environment and monetary policy response

Wednesday 31 May, Symposium
Held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, OMFIF is convening a series of expert panels with key policy-makers, regulators and investors.
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Global Public Investor 2023 launch

Tuesday 27 June, Launch
The 10th edition of OMFIF’s GPI reveals the investment approaches, priorities and concerns of central bank reserve managers. This launch event presents the findings of the 2023 survey alongside an expert panel discussion.
Unlocking finance for the transition: Asean taxonomy framework

Tuesday 13 June, Roundtable
Join us to learn about the urgency of scaling up transition finance and the sustainability ambitions of Southeast Asia in a virtual roundtable.
Embracing GSS sovereign bond issuance in central and eastern Europe

Thursday 15 June, Workshop
The objective of this workshop is to help emerging market sovereign issuers in CEE enter the green, social and sustainable bond markets