The capabilities of the latest AI tools are awe-inspiring and it seems inevitable that their proliferation and development will have enormous economic consequences. But just as the cryptocurrency industry is running into regulatory challenges, AI is beginning to face its own legal battles on a number of fronts.
For a long time, price stability has been taken for granted. In the past one might have heard the suggestion that a little bit of inflation would be no bad thing. Few people can think that now.
While the glass ceiling describes a vertical barrier to aspiration for women, the glass cliff evokes a forceful descent. This is when women are more likely to be appointed to leadership roles in periods of crisis – when risk of failure is highest.
While there may be uncertainties around the impacts of climate change, one thing remains clear: all sectors will need to manage the transition to a low-emission economy. Read the full commentary →
The European Central Bank’s extended reinvestment of bonds acquired under its 2020 pandemic emergency purchase programme is muddying an important debate on reforming Europe’s fiscal rules.