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Forthcoming OMFIF meetings

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OMFIF Gender Balance Index 2024
Wednesday 10 April, Launch
The Gender Balance Index tracks the number of men and women in senior leadership teams in central banks and major financial institutions. The 2024 edition of the report will unveil the latest gender balance scores for central banks, commercial banks, public pension funds and sovereign funds, and unpack how much progress has been made.

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Lift-off for the Bank of Japan
Monday 8 April, Roundtable
Masazumi Watakabe, professor of economics at Waseda University and former deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, discusses Japan’s economic prospects following the end of its negative interest rate regime.

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Modelling the socio-economic risks of climate change
Thursday 18 April, Roundtable
This roundtable brings together central bankers, regulators, private sector investors and academics to discuss the merits and shortfalls of current climate risk models.

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Digital payments unplugged: the importance of offline payments
Friday 19 April, Roundtable
This private roundtable explores the implications of incorporating offline functionality into instant payment systems and central bank digital payments. 

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Europe: the opportunity for global investors
Wednesday 1 May, Summit
This event, with the European Commission, provides investors in the Middle East with insights into how EU bonds are becoming a global benchmark and a safe asset for capital markets.

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