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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* United Kingdom, Immingham – Ebb tide restrictions
* United Kingdom, Mersey – New chart for channel
* Singapore, Singapore – Autonomous System Experiments in East Johor Strait
* Hong Kong, all ports – Opening of office/closing of working areas during
Chinese New Year holidays
* Brazil, all ports – New procedure for registration of merchant vessels
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 09/01/2014

DATE: January 09, 2014
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
PORT: Immingham
Ebb tide restrictions

Restrictions apply at Immingham when ebb tidal ranges are 6.0m or greater,
and information has been given for maximum draft predictions for tides when
there will be less than 14.0m arrival draft available at Immingham Oil

Following a survey on 6 January 2014, these predictions are based on Sunk
Dredged Channel ruling depth 9.4m & Chequer Shoal 10.6m.
(Note there will 10 cm less water available in the Sunk Dredged Channel
which will increase the number of occasions when maximum draft is less than
14.0m at high water, and reduce the depth of water available for vessels
sailing at low water.)

If there are any further changes in these ruling depths, the predictions
will be amended.

For further details and information about operations in the UK contact

DATE: January 09, 2014
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
PORT: Mersey
New chart for channel

A new chart for Eastham Channel at Mersey has been issued by Port

The Apro River Pilot pod Master has studied the new chart and has confirmed
the below information for the Channel from 3 January until further notice:

Stanlow approaches:
Minus -0.90 m off Tide height – (allows for 0.60 m UKC)

Stanlow approaches:
Minus -0.90 m off Tide height (for over 22 m Vessels up to 23 m max) –
allows for 0.60 m UKC

QEII Eastham approaches:
Minus -0.90 m off Tide height – (allows for 0.60 m UKC) –
(For larger Vessels with LOA around 175 M : Minus – 1.30 m off Tide height
– Only TBC after apro pilot consultation)

A Pilot consultation is always required before loading to confirm
permitted max drafts for arrivals & sailings

Dredging is taking place on a regular basis in Eastham Channel and a Survey
Boat is in regularly in attendance in order to take the latest soundings
and issue a new chart.

For information about operations in the UK contact uk@gac.com

DATE: January 09, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Autonomous System Experiments in East Johor Strait

From 10 to 19 January, autonomous system experiments will be conducted in
the East Johor Strait, off Pulau Serangoon, Pulau Punggol Timor, Pulau
Seletar and their vicinity.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine
Notice No.05 of 2014 dated 9 January 2014, the experiments will be carried
out between 0800 and 1800 hours daily – including Saturdays & Sundays –
within the working areas bounded by the following co-ordinates (WGS 84
Datum ):

1) 01° 24.003’N / 103° 56.269’E
2) 01° 23.175’N / 103° 57.300’E
3) 01° 23.087’N / 103° 57.125’E
4) 01° 23.767’N / 103° 56.181’E

5) 01° 25.131’N / 103° 55.186’E
6) 01° 24.302’N / 103° 56.041’E
7) 01° 24.203’N / 103° 55.946’E
8) 01° 25.024’N / 103° 55.053’E

9) 01° 26.045’N / 103° 52.906’E
10) 01° 25.439’N / 103° 53.958’E
11) 01° 25.266’N / 103° 53.859’E
12) 01° 25.889’N / 103° 52.829’E

13) 01° 27.224’N / 103° 51.774’E
14) 01° 26.103’N / 103° 51.537’E
15) 01° 25.936’N / 103° 52.322’E
16) 01° 27.075’N / 103° 51.581’E

The experiments and collection of data will be carried out by deploying
autonomous unmanned vehicles in the working areas. The autonomous unmanned
vehicles will be launched from the work barge during the experiments.
Operation and monitoring of these vehicles’ movement will be carried out
from the workboats.

When in the vicinity of the working areas, mariners are reminded to:
(a) keep well clear and not to enter the working areas;
(b) maintain a proper lookout;
(c) proceed at a safe speed & navigate with caution;
(d) maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 21 (Sembawang Control);
(e) communicate with Sembawang Control on VHF 21 for assistance, if

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at

DATE: January 09, 2014
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: all ports
Opening of office/closing of working areas during Chinese New Year holidays

The Central Marine Office on 3/F., Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central,
Hong Kong will be open from 0900 hours to 1100 hours on Sunday, 02 February
2014 for entry and outward clearance of all vessels. The enquiry telephone
number of Central Marine Office is 2852 3082.

All Public Cargo Working Areas will be closed from 1700 hours on Thursday,
30 January 2014 and open for normal operation at 1200 hours on Sunday, 02
February 2014.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No. 3 of 2014
dated 8 January 2014

DATE: January 09, 2014
PORT: all ports
New procedure for registration of merchant vessels

The Brazilian Maritime Authority has advised that the beginning of the new
procedure for registration of merchant vessels on the Maritime Traffic
system has been postponed to 28 February.

Meanwhile the Maritime Traffic Information System – SISTRAM IV will accept
messages sent to controle@cotram.mar.mil.br

For information about operations in Brazil congtact GAC Brazil at

DATE: January 09, 2014
Bunker Update:

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert

                        180 CST   380 CST   MGO         MDO

Aberdeen                0         0         995.00      0

Aden                    730.00    0         1, 115.00    0

Alexandria              755.00    0         1, 180.00    0

Amsterdam               589.00    567.00    889.00      0

Antwerp                 594.00    567.00    881.00      0

Aqaba                   0         705.00    1, 055.00    0

Bahrain                 0         0         1, 041.00    0

Barrow                  0         0         1, 010.00    0

Bergen                  672.00    643.00    956.00      0

Busan                   680.00    650.00    955.00      945.00

Cape Town               635.00    0         967.00      0

Colombo                 655.00    660.00    1, 030.00    0

Dubai                   635.00    620.00    890.00      0

Durban                  613.00    0         1, 045.00    0

Falmouth                672.00    625.00    989.00      0

Fawley                  0         0         984.00      0

Felixstowe              0         0         1, 058.00    0

Fujairah                638.00    627.00    993.00      0

Gibraltar               670.00    628.00    961.00      0

Grangemouth             0         0         1, 018.00    0

Harwich                 0         0         1, 045.00    0

Hong Kong               641.00    630.00    942.00      0

Houston                 652.00    583.00    958.00      0

Immingham               0         0         985.00      0

Invergordon             0         0         1, 010.00    0

Istanbul                652.00    619.00    979.00      0

Jeddah                  680.00    660.00    1, 065.00    0

Kaohsiung               662.00    652.00    1, 035.00    1, 020.00

Kuwait                  0         626.00    992.00      0

Leith                   0         0         1, 026.00    0

Lerwick                 0         0         625.00      0

Malta                   716.00    680.00    934.00      0

Mersey                  0         0         1, 001.00    0

Milford Haven           0         0         1, 027.00    0

Mumbai                  638.00    626.00    1, 175.00    0

New York & New Jersey   642.00    586.00    967.00      0

Panama                  661.00    601.00    1, 021.00    0

Piraeus                 701.00    656.00    956.00      0

Plymouth                0         0         1, 035.00    0

Port Louis              718.00    0         1, 065.00    0

Port Said               758.00    675.00    1, 065.00    0

Qatar                   0         0         960.00      0

Richards Bay            622.00    0         1, 055.00    0

Rio de Janeiro          625.00    597.00    1, 010.00    0

Rotterdam               590.00    568.00    892.00      0

Salalah                 715.00    665.00    1, 095.00    0

Shanghai                669.00    653.00    1, 045.00    0

Sharjah                 635.00    620.00    890.00      0

Singapore               614.00    602.00    912.00      0

St Petersburg           480.00    459.00    0           0

Stavanger               0         0         969.00      0

Suez                    683.00    668.00    1, 068.00    0

Walvis Bay              661.00    0         1, 029.00    0

West Africa OFFSHORE    0         660.00    985.00      0

Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.

The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be
approached directly for firm prices.

Middle East & Africa: bunker.ae@gac.com
Europe: bunker.gb@gac.com
Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com
Americas: bunker.us@gac.com
Asia Pacific: bunker.sg@gac.com
Indian Subcontinent: bunker.sl@gac.com

Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for more information or
with your bunker enquiry.

GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the
global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.


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