Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* United States, Mississippi River, Louisiana – High water regulations rescinded
* Ecuador, all ports – Public services to close for holiday
DATE: April 29, 2014
COUNTRY: United States
PORT: Mississippi River, Louisiana
High water regulations rescinded
NOBRA Pilots High Water Operating Regulations have been rescinded and are
no longer in effect.
The restrictions were rescinded as of 1638 hours yesterday (28 April 2014).
(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at
Source: Extract from Louisiana Maritime Association Morning Report for
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
DATE: April 29, 2014
COUNTRY: Ecuador
PORT: all ports
Public services to close for holiday
Most public services in Ecuador will be closed on Thurday (1 May), which is
a public holiday. Ports and terminals, however, will work normally.
For information about operations in Ecuador, and elsewhere in the Americas,
contact the GAC USA Hub Agency Centre at
Source: Ultrmar Network Ecuador – GAC agent
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