Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Russia, Novorossiysk – Navigation and light dues to increase
* Australia, Townsville – Port charges to rise 5.5%
* Egypt, Suez Canal – Changes to transits due to cleansing works
* Panama, Panama Canal – West lane at locks to close for dredging
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 07/05/2014
DATE: May 07, 2014
PORT: Novorossiysk
Navigation and light dues to increase
The Navigation Dues and Light Dues rates for the ports of Novorossiysk and
Taman will be increased with effect from 10 May, 2014.
The new rates at Novorossiysk are:
Navigation Dues: 10.64 RUR
Light Dues: 1.58 RUR
Formula (In+Out): Rate x Reduced GT x 2
Navigation Dues: 6.79 RUR
Light Dues: 1.01 RUR
Formula (In+Out): Rate x GT x 2
Navigation Dues: 9.71 RUR
Light Dues: 1.44 RUR
Formula (In+Out): Rate x GT x 2
The new rates at Taman are:
Navigation Dues: 2.68 RUR
Light Dues: 1.02 RUR
Formula (In+Out): Rate x Reduced GT x 2
Navigation Dues: 1.70 RUR
Light Dues: 0.65 RUR
Formula (In+Out): Rate x GT x 2
Navigation Dues: 2.44 RUR
Light Dues: 0.93 RUR
Formula (In+Out): Rate x GT x 2
For information about operations in Russia contact GAC Russia at
DATE: May 07, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Townsville
Port charges to rise 5.5%
Port of Townsville Limited (POTL) advises that a 5.5% increase will apply
to port charges at the Ports of Townsville and Lucinda effective 1 July
The Layup Concession will continue to operate and its effectiveness will be
monitored and reviewed through the Port Advisory Body….
….More than $500 million has recently been invested in port and transport
connections. Notably, the Townsville Port Access Road, upgrades of Berths 8
and 10 and channel and berth dredging works at the Port of Townsville have
provided significant enhancements, providing overall benefits to supply
chain efficiency and competitiveness.
Over next 12 months, POTL will continue to deliver a number of important
port infrastructure investments that will further increase capability and
competitiveness for our customers and stakeholders, a number of these
specifically targeted at improving competitiveness to attract diversified
trades. These plans will be discussed through the consultative Port
Advisory Body meetings….
(For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at
Source: Extract from Port of Townsville letter dated 5 May 2014
DATE: May 07, 2014
PORT: Suez Canal
Changes to transits due to cleansing works
The Suez Canal Authority advises that due to cleansing work in the Lakes
area the following will come into effect from tomorrow (8 May):
– Temporary suspension of entry of the second southbound convoy until the
end of the cleansing work (Updates to be provided as available).
– Vessels with draft of more than 45 feet, especially container ships that
enter via the Eastern branch within the convoy and before entering the last
ship in the convoy by about 90 minutes at least, and according to the
As a result, all vessels arriving to join the 2nd Southbound convoy will
enter the Canal with the first Southbound convoy next day.
Vessels arriving between 1900 and 2100 hrs LT, may still join the 1st
Southbound convoy against 3% additional Canal tolls.
Vessels arriving between 2100 and 2200 hrs may still join the 1st
Southbound convoy against 5% additional Canal tolls.
Vessels arriving after 2200 hrs and up to 0200 the next day may still join
the 1st Southbound convoy against 10% additional Canal tolls.
The above will be subject to Canal traffic and provided that circumstances
are favorable.
For information about operations in the Suez Canal contact GAC Egypt at
DATE: May 07, 2014
PORT: Panama Canal
West lane at locks to close for dredging
Beginning Wednesday, May 14, 2014, at 0001 hours through Friday, May 16,
2014, at 2400 hours, dredging operations will be conducted at the lake
entrance on the West side of Pedro Miguel Locks between the center wall and
the West prism line. During this period, the West lane at Pedro Miguel
Locks will be closed for shipping. This dredging work is a continuation of
the work initiatied on April 29 and is necessary for the removal of
critical shoals in the area.
As a reuslt, and in accordance with the rules governing the Transit
Reservation System, Condition 2 will be in effecr from Wednesday, May 14,
2014, through Friday, May 16, 2014.
Applications for reserved transits while Condition 2 is in effect will be
received beginning at 0900 hours on Sunday, May 11, 2014, The Just-In-Time
(JIT) slots available for supers will be reduced during this period to one
slot per direction, Nevertheless, JIT transit slots previously confirmed
will be honored. The JIT slots available for regular vessels transiting
wihout restrictions, as well as the booking slot available through the
Auction Process, and the slots available for regular vessels less than 300
feet in LOA, will continue to be offered during this period.
(For information about operations in the Panama Canal contact GAC-Wilford &
McKay at
Source: Panama Canal Authority Advisory to Shipping No.A-09-2014 dated May
5, 2014
DATE: May 07, 2014
Bunker Update:
GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
180 CST 380 CST MGO MDO Aberdeen 0 0 537.00 0 Aden 725.00 675.00 1, 090.00 0 Alexandria 760.00 0 1, 175.00 0 Amsterdam 604.00 581.00 890.00 0 Antwerp 605.00 576.00 862.00 0 Aqaba 0 697.00 1, 030.00 0 Bahrain 0 0 1, 039.00 0 Bergen 689.00 662.00 950.00 0 Busan 632.00 605.00 935.00 925.00 Cape Town 640.00 0 971.00 0 Colombo 650.00 630.00 995.00 0 Dubai 630.00 610.00 885.00 0 Durban 610.00 0 1, 050.00 0 Fujairah 600.50 595.50 979.50 0 Gibraltar 683.50 653.50 942.50 0 Grangemouth 0 0 552.00 0 Hong Kong 612.50 603.50 934.50 0 Houston 650.00 599.00 975.00 0 Istanbul 639.50 610.50 965.50 0 Jeddah 725.00 675.00 1, 080.00 0 Kaohsiung 660.00 649.00 1, 075.00 1, 060.00 Kuwait 600.00 595.00 979.00 0 Leith 0 0 551.00 0 Lerwick 0 0 557.00 0 Malta 736.50 709.50 925.50 0 Mersey 0 0 556.00 0 Mumbai 614.50 604.50 1, 077.00 0 New York & New Jersey 661.00 607.00 1, 050.00 0 Panama 700.00 615.00 1, 030.00 0 Piraeus 707.50 678.50 940.50 0 Port Louis 699.00 0 1, 044.00 0 Port Said 760.00 680.00 1, 085.00 0 Qatar 0 0 920.00 0 Richards Bay 0 0 1, 065.00 0 Rio de Janeiro 633.00 610.00 990.00 0 Rotterdam 604.00 574.00 862.00 0 Salalah 695.00 645.00 1, 125.00 0 Shanghai 641.50 612.50 1, 067.50 0 Sharjah 630.00 610.00 885.00 0 Singapore 603.00 587.00 895.00 0 Sohar 0 629.00 1, 020.00 0 St Petersburg 525.50 495.50 0 0 Stavanger 0 0 966.00 0 Suez 700.00 680.00 1, 080.00 0 Sunderland 0 0 547.00 0 Thames 0 0 560.00 0 Walvis Bay 710.00 0 1, 049.00 0 West Africa OFFSHORE 0 652.00 990.00 0
Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.
The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices
should be approached directly for firm prices.
Middle East & Africa:
Egypt & Mediterranean:
Asia Pacific:
Indian Subcontinent:
Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or quoting
HPN for more information or with your bunker enquiry.
GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the
global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.