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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Navigation prohibited
July 10, 2014, Angola, Cabinda

The Harbour Master at Cabinda has advised that navigation is prohibited in Seismic Survey Block 31, until 23 September, within the following coordinates:

1. 06 deg. 04’13.059″S / 10 deg. 34’54.343″E

2. 06 deg. 24’01.153″S / 10 deg. 36’51.243″E

3. 06 deg. 26’23.245″S / 10 deg. 43’18.358″E

4. 06 deg. 21’26.132″S / 10 deg. 50’59.650″E

5. 06 deg. 13’48.232″S / 10 deg. 53’47.309″E

6. 06 deg. 00’39.755″S / 10 deg. 47’30.848″E

7. 05 deg. 57’00.252″S / 10 deg. 37’32.908″E

For further details and information about operations in Angola contact GAC Angola at angola@gac.com

Rail shutdown to impact Gladstone coal terminals
July 10, 2014, Australia, Gladstone

Coal deliveries to the port of Gladstone will be affected by a 60-hour shutdown of the Aurizon Rail network on 14, 15 & 16 July.

The Coal Terminal will continue to schedule and load, where possible using existing stockpiles, however all suppliers on this rail network will be affected by this closure.

For further details and information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Towage charges to rise
July 10, 2014, Australia, Darwin

Towage charges at Darwin will increase by 2.9% for A Class Tug services, and 5.8% for C Class Tug services from 1 August.

For further details and information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com


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