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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Laying of water pipeline
February 10, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

For approximately 14 months, marine works involving temporary laying of submarine tracking cables and concrete plates, under-seabed water pipeline tunnel drilling, barging operations, diving operations and water pipeline installation will be carried out [between Peng Chau and Sunshine Island]

within the following areas:

Works Area 1:

This area is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (F) and the adjacent shoreline:

(A) 22 deg. 16.886’N / 114 deg. 02.756’E

(B) 22 deg. 16.810’N / 114 deg. 02.787’E

(C) 22 deg. 16.607’N / 114 deg. 02.869’E

(D) 22 deg. 16.555’N / 114 deg. 02.722’E

(E) 22 deg. 16.758’N / 114 deg. 02.640’E

(F) 22 deg. 16.812’N / 114 deg. 02.619’E

Works Area 2:

This area is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (G) to (L) and the adjacent shoreline:

(G) 22 deg. 15.845’N / 114 deg. 03.009’E

(H) 22 deg. 15.879’N / 114 deg. 02.995’E

(I) 22 deg. 16.099’N / 114 deg. 02.907’E

(J) 22 deg. 16.150’N / 114 deg. 03.053’E

(K) 22 deg. 16.006’N / 114 deg. 03.112’E

(L) 22 deg. 15.881’N / 114 deg. 03.162’E

Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights and radar reflectors will be laid to mark the boundary of the works areas at co-ordinates (B), (C), (D), (E), (H), (I), (J) and (K).

The works will be carried out by a flotilla of vessels including derrick lighters and flat top barges. Some tugs, work boats and guard boats will provide assistance. The number and type of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 50 metres will be established around each working vessel. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the working vessels.

To secure the submarine tracking cables, some concrete plates at intervals of 50 metres will be laid on the seabed within the works areas. Each concrete plate is a structure of cube shape with a height of 0.3 metres and a square base of 2.0 metres by 2.0 metres. Upon completion of the tunnel drilling works, the submarine tracking cables together with those concrete plates will be removed from the works areas.

Several sections of silt curtains, extending from the sea surface to the seabed, will be established along the southern shoreline of Peng Chau and the northern shoreline of Sunshine Island. Each silt curtain is a large piece of netting used to contain mud and sediments. Yellow markers fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the extent of the silt curtains.

The hours of work will be from 0700 to 1900 hours. Vessels employed for the works will stay in Works Area 1 outside the hours of work.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep clear at slow speed, bearing in mind the reduction of water depth due to the existence of the submarine tracking cables and the concrete plates in the works areas.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.19 of 2015

New port restrictions
February 10, 2015, Argentina, Necochea

The Argentinean Coast Guard has established new restrictions for entering/sailing Necochea port.

The new maximum LOA is now 190 metres. Further, vessels must arrive with a maximum draft 10.60 metres and sail with max draft 12.20 metres.

Maneuvering is only allowed with over 1.20 metres tide.

(For information about operations in Argentina contact the GAC USA Hub Agency Center at hub.us@gac.com)

Source: AMI Argentina – GAC agent

Public services to close for national holiday
February 10, 2015, Ecuador, all ports

Most public services in Ecuador will be closed on Monday and Tuesday next week (16 & 17 February) due to a national holiday. Ports and terminals, however, will work normally.

(For information about operations in Ecuador, and elsewhere in the Americas, contact the GAC USA Hub Agency Center at hub.us@gac.com)

Source: Ultramar Network, Ecuador – GAC agent

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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