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Home HRAcademia Greeks stand up for the dignity of their Nation – A Statement

Greeks stand up for the dignity of their Nation – A Statement

by admin

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAWe have inserted herebelow the text of The Statement and also attached at the end the text with the Greek Translation including those who have signed/supported  same, as well as their status/professions/positions within the Greek and International spectrum. We hope soon to have thousands signing this text.  The text has been translated also into Chinese, French and Italian. Also we have attached yesterday’s FAZ reporting in German. Here it goes:



An insult to our country’s dignity

Although our government is bombarding the media with the perception that it is struggling for the dignity of its citizens, we feel that in fact, it is our country’s dignity the one being insulted.

It is insulted when, for the second time in the last four years, the Grexit issue figures once again on the global daily agenda and our country is viewed as the pariah of Europe.

It is insulted when, the government takes to begging for new loans, while at the same time it reviles and ridicules Germany, our country’s largest financial supporter.

It is insulted when, government absurdities, from dress code antics to vapid boasts of transforming Europe, culminate in a negotiation with the same representatives of our three partners, albeit now under a different name in order to exorcise the term “troika” from sight and sound.

It is insulted when, not only no policies are initiated that might allow our economy to recover so we no longer are Europe’s “bête noire” of Europe, but even those few, insipid and incomplete measures that were taken during all these years of crisis are recalled and cancelled.

It is insulted when, we see the economy fall prey once again to Greece’s bloated public sector and a multitude of special interest groups, when the education system falls prey to party hacks, when the all too few foreign investments, which we laboured so hard to attract, are being vilified and backing out.

It is insulted when, our society is being drenched with xenophobic bluster, so that it applauds a government that is peddling anti-western sentiments and nationalism to such an extent, that the neo-Nazis of  “Golden Dawn”,  are first in the clapping line.

It is for all of these reasons that we are appealing to all Greek democrats who share our beliefs in European principles and values and in the need for reforms that will lead to our country’s recovery, to put aside their political and personal differences and to unite in a common effort to present your fellow citizens with an alternative way out of our current desperate situation. An alternative solution that exists as a requisite in all advanced democracies but is sorely lacking in ours.


Statement English Translation final (1) GB    Statement Chinese translation & signatories


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