Vitaly Klyuev, Russian candidate for the post of IMO Secretary-General
At the briefing in Saint-Petersburg, Vitaly Klyuev, Russian candidate for the post of IMO Secretary-General, Deputy Director of the Department of State policy for Maritime and River Transport under RF Ministry of Transport, suggests introduction of quality management system in the IMO Secretariat.
“Strange though it may appear, the IMO Secretariat does not have its own quality management system. The working process of the Secretariat has not been thoroughly formalized which has a negative impact on the general efficiency of IMO. My proposal is to introduce a quality management system in the Secretariat, to formalize the responsibilities and the functions of each staff member up to the Secretary-General, ” Vitaly Klyuev said.
As it was reported earlier, Russia nominated its first-ever candidate for the post of IMO Secretary-General. Vote on the nominees for the IMO Secretary-General post will take place at the end of June 2015. The new Secretary-General of IMO will assume the office as from 1 January 2016.