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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Dead ship tow
June 05, 2015, United States, Mobile, Alabama

There will be a dead ship tow of the NOBLE SEILLEAN (819 feet length overall and 121 feet wide) commencing at approximately 0600 on Saturday, June 6, 2015.

The NOBLE SEILLEAN will be towed from Millard Maritime in Theodore to the sea buoy by the tug SALVERITAS with assist tugs provided by Crescent and Seabulk Towing. The contact person for the operation for Lott Shipping is Mr. Bill Lott and he can be reached at (251) 583-3150.

The SALVERITAS and the NOBLE SEILLEAN will have bar pilots onboard for the entire operation and will be standing by on VHF/FM channels 13 and 16. The transit will be made in daylight hours and should take 6 to 8 hours necessitating one way traffic for that time.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source: Harbor Master/Facility Security Officer – Alabama State Port Authority

Marine Department guidance for typhoon season
June 05, 2015, Hong Kong, all ports

Owners, agents and charterers are requested to remind their ship masters of the need to take precautionary measures during the approach of tropical cyclones.

Masters, owners, agents and persons in control of vessels are also reminded of the obligation to comply with any direction issued by the Director of Marine concerning the safe operation of vessels and the port, or in relations to any matter which the Director may give directions under the Laws of Hong Kong.

When a tropical cyclone warning is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, every vessel which is moored to the following government mooring buoys shall clear anchors and cables and prepare the main propulsion machinery to full power condition and such vessel shall, if directed by the Director, leave the mooring buoy:

“A” mooring: A17, A29, A35, A36, A39, A43, A 78

“B” mooring: B2, B3, B4

The master of a ship moored to a government mooring buoy may, at his discretion, drop a bow anchor under foot to lessen the tendency to sheer. This should not impair the efficiency of the mooring, although an anchor should not be used during normal weather conditions.

Masters are reminded that every vessel within the waters of Hong Kong must maintain a continuous listening watch on the VHF radio channel appropriate to the VHF sector in which the vessel is located, or another VHF channel as may be specified by the Vessel Traffic Centre (call sign “MARDEP”). The Centre will broadcast tropical cyclone information from time to time when the tropical cyclone warning signals have been issued. Masters should also listen to local radio broadcasts for weather advisory information bulletins.

An inadequately manned vessel during the passage of a tropical cyclone not only places herself at risk but also endangers the port and other vessels. The attention of masters, owners, agents, and charterers of vessels is therefore drawn that sufficient number of qualified crew capable to carry out all duties to ensure the safety of the ship having regard to the pertaining circumstances shall be maintained on board at all times during the passage of a tropical cyclone. Further information on minimum safe manning levels on ships while in the waters of Hong Kong can be found in the Marine Department website (www.mardep.gov.hk/en/pub_services/proc.html)

(For information about operations in the Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No. 77 of 2015

Torres Strait/Great Barrier Reef pilotage to rise
June 05, 2015, Australia, all ports

Australian Reef Pilots have undertaken a review of operations, leading to a 5% increase on Torres Strait/Great Barrier Reef Pilotage, and a move to providing a lump sum tariff, with effect from 1 July, 2015.

For further details and information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Pilotage fee increase
June 05, 2015, Australia, all ports

A general fee increase of 3.5% will apply to pilotage fees, pilotage delay fees and pilotage cancellation fees for all ships visiting Queensland ports from 1 July.

For further details and information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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