Industry gears up for global breakbulk’s most important event, AntwerpXL Leading industry names come together for highly anticipated AntwerpXL this month. London, 14/11/2023: Thousands of industry professionals will gather at…
Breakbulk cargoes
P&O Maritime Logistics launches new inland river route from Caspian Sea to DP World Yarimca
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P&O Maritime Logistics launches new inland river route from Caspian Sea to DP World Yarimca Trial container voyage from Caspian Sea to Yarimca marks the beginnings of new river-sea route…
Last month, global multipurpose shipping operator, AAL, loaded this mammoth ACC unit (410MT) in Changshu aboard its versatile S-Class vessel, AAL Nanjing – a shipment booked by Panalpina Worldwide Transport…