Tokyo – Leading Classification Society ClassNK has issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) for the design of an ammonia-ready LNG-fueled Panamax bulk carrier developed by Planning and Design Center for…
CO2 emmissions
PRIME Marine Partners with Marsoft to AccessGold Standard Carbon Credits Athens, 20 April 2022 – Today, PRIME Marine announced its partnership with Marsoft Inc. whereby 8 vessels in the PRIME fleet will be…
ClassNK releases GHG Emissions Management Tool– “ClassNK ZETA” to realize visualization of CO2 emissions for ships – Tokyo – Tokyo – ClassNK has released “ClassNK ZETA (Zero Emission Transition Accelerator)”, a…
European shipowners support commercial operators to bear the costs of EU ETS and call for a sector-dedicated fund
European shipowners support commercial operators to bear the costs of EU ETS and call for a sector-dedicated fund ECSA published today its policy paper on the EU ETS proposal. European shipowners welcome…
Boats designed to battle COVID, cocaine and CO2 Ship & Boat International eNews is the newsletter of Ship & Boat International, published by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects September/October…
The Board of Directors of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), representing national shipowners’ associations from 35 nations and over 80% of the world merchant fleet, met in London recently.…
Scenarios on transport volumes and emissions to 2050 released by International Transport Forum at the OECD The volume of global transport could double or even quadruple by 2050, according…
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the global trade association for shipowners, has written to the French Government to raise concerns about a new requirement for foreign shipowners to provide…