24 June 2014 – The ITF is once again backing the IMO’s (International Maritime Organization’s) Day of the Seafarer – the annual worldwide celebration of seafarers and what they do for…
Dave Heindel
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has spoken out on the need for due legal process to be followed in the trial of crew members of the Sewol ferry, which…
IBF press statement: Industrial relations collective, the International Bargaining Forum, concludes the final round of negotiations for 2015-2017 IBF Framework Agreement
by admin
5 June 2014 – The ITF and JNG met in Indonesia between 4-5 June 2014 to conclude negotiations for the creation of the new IBF Framework Agreement. The round of…
11 April 2014 – The ITF has praised today’s decision at the ILO (International Labour Organization) in Geneva today to build on the success of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 by…