Within nine months of launching, the International Fund for Fishing Safety, (IFFS) has committed funding totalling £220,000 to support six fishing safety projects in South Africa, Ghana, Fiji, Kenya, Thailand and Vietnam.…
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) will open its seventh Regional Presence Office (RPO), in Suva, Fiji, to serve countries and territories in the Pacific Islands region. IMO Secretary-General Mr. Arsenio…
Update: Filipino crew abandonment in Fiji London, UK. / Suva, Fiji. Three Filipino crewmen have been left stranded in Fiji by their employers and manning agency. The seafarers have found themselves with…
Human Rights at Sea Latest News: Pacific Fisheries Abuses: Testimony of Fijian Fishing Widows, Mother and Sister
Pacific Fisheries Abuses: Testimony of Fijian Fishing Widows, Mother and Sister 24th July 2019 “He was stabbed with a knife below his heart by a Chinese crewman.” London. UK. In…
Human Rights at Sea Latest News: OP-ED: NGO Pacific Dialogue on Pacific Seafarers
OP-ED: NGO Pacific Dialogue on Pacific Seafarers Opinion Piece 4th July 2019 Suva, Fiji. The Fijian partner to Human Rights at Sea, the NGO Pacific Dialogue, released an OP-ED for…
7 February 2014 – Union leadership at Fiji’s National Union of Hospitality Catering and Tourism Industries (NUHCTI) celebrated as police charges against their ‘illegal strike’ were dropped on February 2. The…