Hempel joins the International Maritime Organization (IMO’s) Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety to work with industry to support shipping’s emissions reduction pathway and to mitigate against the spread of…
Global Industry Alliance (GIA)
The IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 project is welcoming expressions of interest from maritime companies to be part of its Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping (Low Carbon GIA). The alliance, a public-private…
Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety launched GLOFOULING PARTNERSHIPS LAUNCHES GLOBAL INDUSTRY ALLIANCE (GIA) FOR MARINE BIOSAFETY GIA brings together leadership Ocean Companies to reduce invasive species introductions, protect…
The GIA will support the implementation of energy efficiency measures for ships and shipping Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, September 25, 2017 – At a ceremony in Singapore today Bureau Veritas formally joined the Global…
Briefing: 17 29/06/2017 – Leading shipowners and operators, classification societies, engine and technology builders and suppliers, big data providers, and oil companies have signed up to a new Global Industry…